Life's short by lionclaw

You play as a normal guy who lives a normal life. Then one day he has a bit of bad luck and finds death at every corner. Will you survive? well chances are you won't, but thats what checkpoints are for right? actually there is only one checkpoint at this time of writing (4 now) so yeah... good luck. You may discover a terrorist organization or you may die getting out of bed.

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Review by Frostedge
16 Dec 2014
[Sips tea dramatically, takes deep breath.]

To be fair, if the only thing you’ve got going for your game book is Trial and Error, you’re not making a game book. You’re making a timewaster for both you and us.
Choices are nonsensical and utterly random, there is no foreshadowing or warning as to what’ll kill me, and when it’ll kill me. The bits that are supposed to be funny simply aren’t, and I daresay that’s not because of my sense of humour or lack thereof.

I maybe laughed once or twice, if only at the sheer ridiculousness of anyone having the guts to post something like this and dare call it Comedy. Some of the deaths themselves are utter nonsense. Then, the repetitiveness sets in and my mind starts to drift off as I choose “shirt” for the umpteenth time, trying to figure out what twisted form of logic the Author applied to this amalgamation of ridiculousness.

You may have noticed by now that I think that this isn’t a good game book. Even if this were meant to be a rage game, it’d be failing. I feel no rage after this, only apathy and lifelessness. I honestly cannot comprehend how anyone could give 5 stars for this.

Review by helvayne
20 Nov 2014

Review by EzzoMahfouz
02 Sep 2014
The beginning attempt at random fatalities were funny but it got old and frustrating. Overall, not a worth game.

Review by BrokenArrow
27 Aug 2014
Fun and interesting. Continue the story!

Review by MutantIke
12 Aug 2014
Great! Laughed at the random explosions, Raged when needed, Awesome!

Review by Tom C.L.
25 Jun 2014
Really funny! Original and difficult.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 21 Jun 2014
Updated 19 Jun 2016





