Alex Warren

Reviews by Alex Warren

Review for Uncle's Mansion
09 Aug 2003
To improve this game you should:

- check your spelling. In the very first room it says "You can go out to spiral starirs".

- as with your other game, "Locked Up", provide descriptions for objects. Most of the objects in this game are nothing but names. They don't do anything whatsoever and add nothing to the gameplay.

- your description in your mis-spelled "spiral starirs" rooms is "Do you want to go up the stairs?". This implies the player can type "yes" or "no" - but they can't. Put yourself in the player's shoes, and think about what they are expecting to happen at each point in your game.

Review for LockedUP!!
09 Aug 2003
To improve this game you should:

- use prefixes so room descriptions display properly. "You are in main hall. There is sword, machine gun and oil here" is not proper English and it's the first thing the player sees. This gives a very poor initial impression. Try giving the main hall a prefix of "the" and the objects prefixes of "a" or "some" to make the descriptions read properly.

- give your objects descriptions. Players expect to be able to type "look at sword" etc. to find out more about objects.

- some of the objects are a little peculiar. Why is there a machine gun in the room you have been locked in? Why does dropping the sword after I have picked it up move me to the basement?





