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FUNNY but theres a loop if I spam go back to sleep
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Sheep Farm (maxim version)
Play as Maxim from sheep farm. Based off of animal farm but portrayed in my way. If you would like to see the story I will paste it here. (Images are AI generated)
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for Shapelandia
Very good! I like the storyline and creativity!
2 days ago
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for Escape the Haunted House
Can you say a bit more about how AI was used to create the game? ...including what "tweaks" were needed? This could be added to the game through an ABOUT command.
2 days ago
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for Streetrat
Feels quite short for what it was going for, but i think it did what it wanted to in the runtime.
thumbs up from me.
3 days ago
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Escape the Haunted House
My first game ever made in quest, and it's quite short too. I hope you'll like it.
Idea and concept made by AI, with additional tweaks by me.
Manual construction into Quest by IAmTheRealXYZ (me).
3 days ago
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Вавилонська бібліотека
Ви прокидаєтесь в бібліотеці, що складається з невизначеної і, мабуть, нескінченної кількості шестигранних галерей з широкими вентиляційними колодязями посередині, які оточені дуже низеньким поруччям....
4 days ago
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for Venus Flytrap: Romantic Music
Two of the three ways I lost were understandable the first time around, but the scene with Linda in the lodger's room provided no hint at all (that I noticed) as to what you are supposed to do. After taking the music, Linda eventually says you have 10 seconds, but you can't do ...
4 days ago
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Der verbrecherische Multimilliardär Lawrence Querly Pfhat hat gefährliche Regierungsgeheimnisse gestohlen und droht damit, innerhalb von 7 Tagen die Welt zu zerstören.
Du gehörst zur Hunter-Force, di...
5 days ago
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I don't own any of the images I just added text onto the cover (im working on it ill add more soon)
5 days ago
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for MLP Vore Game
There should be a creation of your pony when you start
6 days ago
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red band alley adventurers
this is my text adventure game
a quest like no other its it's 2d at this moment in time
the game will soon be 3d game
it falls into every category so i cannot really choose
this is my very first g...
6 days ago
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First game testing this site :3
7 days ago
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Hiyoko's Magical March
Hello, this is quite the new experience, isn't it~? I haven't touched Quest in years, but here we are, and I'm ready to try this once again, as a sort of monthly series~
Now for the actual game ...
9 days ago
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Rolling On Time
This is a mathematical based game in which a high school student, who is wheelchair bound, needs to make it to the school bus on time. Battling through 3 stages of math problems to get them to the sch...
10 days ago
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bleach is a fan game of a popular anime series originally made by Tite Kubo
There are human world, shinigami world and hollow world
When a shinigami came into the human world, her task would be ...
12 days ago
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for The Shack
@ katgrl3 have you tried looking at the light?
14 days ago
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for Geocaching on the bridleway
I know this is an older game, so I don't know if I'll get a response, but I'm stuck!
I'm new to IF (and really enjoying it!).
I'm at the tree, trying to get into the hollow. I've got the rope and can't find how to make it heavier. I've tried using my wellies, go ...
14 days ago
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for The Shack
What do you do to start the game? I tried going toward the light/wall and it doesn't work
16 days ago
Mint flame
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for Warrior Cats: Prophecies Arising
i think the story is pretty good , although the paragraphs could describe more emotion or scenery for example when you follow petal bloom it would have been fun if MC had though various different things before discovering she's on a forbidden relationship i also think you should add more options ...
16 days ago
Mint flame
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for The Life of a Warrior Cat
very good has a lot of potential , many say the font is hard to read but i think is ok
16 days ago
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for Shapelandia
Providing a cover image for your game can attract players. Tools such as Image Generator from Microsoft can help create a suitable image.
17 days ago
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In a fantasy land named Shapelandia, where all people exist as polygons, there exists rulership decided on vote and popularity. When Ray takes the throne it begins chaos. Many innocent citizens are at...
17 days ago
Quest Forum Questers
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for Pixie's Quest
- Updated to work with any version of Quest, from Quest 5.7.2 up
17 days ago
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for Pixie's Quest
I just uploaded another bug-fix update, but...
If you play this in Quest 5.9, the `cat` command won't work. It doesn't throw an error. It just doesn't display any text in the frame that is displayed. I'm assuming this has something to do with using an IFRAME element and the updat ...
19 days ago
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for Freefall 2
As an addendum to my previous comment:
It's hilarious how even their last name relates to fire
20 days ago
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for Freefall 2
"Your body is found in a school bus left there by the Alaskan government, and a book is written about the exploits of your life. If you don't get the reference, read more books you lazy twat.
Ending 13: Subtle Reference Ending"
Darn you you darn twat, your roast fails to burn me.
20 days ago
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for Giantess Amy Rose
You need to link the spawn location to your game, it looks like the player is sent to a room called "A Room", so so long as you just add a direction to where you want them to be you should be good
24 days ago
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for Giantess Amy Rose
I think your game broke. There is nothing in here. You might want to update.
25 days ago
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Strength to Leave
When you're home is your safe space as everything outside becomes so suffocating, how do you find the strengh to leave again?
25 days ago
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Welcome to Durmond
A long time ago, nearly 700 years, magic was discovered. All across the Amazi Empire, magicians became a respected class. However, this magic made its way north, Pass the Southern Colonies in the Zeui...
27 days ago
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for Glass
@ King's Scribe, like you, I would prefer all games to provide a reasonable response when any mentioned object is looked at. At the very least a response of "You can safely ignore that" would be better than "You can't see any such thing!" I've got used to this shortc ...
28 days ago
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Giantess Amy Rose
You've finally visited Station Square. But there's something off: everything surrounding you is being much bigger than you. Buildings, trees, bushes, even people are being 100 times bigger than you ...
28 days ago
King's Scribe
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for Glass
I *want* to like this but there's a big problem with items in the description and what you can see. The prince is sitting on a couch, but you can't examine the couch because "You can't see any such thing". The same for the carpet, and the old lady's skirt...
28 days ago