The messaging system is now available to all users

After the tests carried out with the team of moderators, we have just made available the new messaging system. From now on we say that it is not a complicated system because what we have sought is not to perpetuate its development and implementation.

Currently allows the communication in users who is what was mainly sought and with it I think that we saved a big problem that we had on the web. For now it will remain, we will correct the errors that arise and that you can report using the form of contact of the bottom and we will start other things that we have pending like the revision of the server of games and the problem that we have been dragging with him from a few months. Also Squiffy and Quest are waiting to be able to spend some time for their new versions can see the light. All this will be soon.

To write a messge go to the user profile page and click in the envelope icon.

Greetings and if you find any bug let us know!

Just a stupid question: How can I go to the profile page of an user?

Yes Pertex, is currently not very intuitive. To go to the profile page of a user you can use the search engine or click on his name on the page of one of his games on the right side, where it says "written by" below the rating. Also in any review or comment that said user has put. In short you can enter the search engine by searching for your username or anywhere on the web where your user is linked.

Right now, it is not linked in all the sites that would be ideal, as for example in the forum post but I hope to be able to solve this in the near future.

Now users are linked from the forum

Now users are linked from the forum

Thank you! This will help with discovery a lot.

It would make this VERY easy to just click on the person's name in the forum and goto their page and message them there...
OR, If you could capture right clicks on the web page...
Right click on the person's name, and have a box pop-up to enter a message..
And have 2 buttons in the box... [Send] and [Forget it]...

OK, click on name gets me to the profile, and I found the envelop...
And, I can see my messages.. but...
How do I create a message?

That envelope is for viewing your messages. To send a message, simply click on the name of the user here in the forum and above to the left, next to the username you will see another black envelope, clicking on this you will be able to write a message to that user.

As normal users, we still don't have the black envelop link/button enabled/visible to message each other.

I'm not getting anything. There is no button.

When I click on a forum member, I get taken to their published games/reviews page but no black envelope appears anywhere.

Ups! correct... Try now.

Now it works!

As a simple test, I tried sending a message to myself, but it seems to cause a system failure?

For some reason... talking to yourself is frowned on around here...
I know, I tried...

Thanks DarkLizard, I received your test message, but don't seem able to find a copy of the reply I sent back?

There is no "outbox" to see your own sent messages...
Something that would be helpful to have... (hint... hint)

That's okay, now that I understand. Having to manage my own copies of sent messages is inconvenient, but certainly this is much better than having no facility for private messaging.

Very, very happy to see that little envelope up in the corner again! Not having a way to communicate with other authors was pretty much a dealbreaker as far as being involved in the community went. Perfect timing on this too as I was just having a discussion about IF games with someone on another site and feeling like messing around with one of my WIPs again.

Hopefully in time we'll be able to save copies of sent messages (and send them to ourselves as that is still my preferred method of archiving links to useful threads...) but for now I'm just relieved to have PMs working on a basic level.

Hopefully in time we'll be able to save copies of sent messages (and send them to ourselves as that is still my preferred method of archiving links to useful threads...) but for now I'm just relieved to have PMs working on a basic level.

I would also welcome the ability to see sent e-mails. Perhaps keep them for a couple of months? Some sites have a limit of 50 for stored emails, total of sent and received.

votes_for_outbox = votes_for_outbox + 1

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