Warrior Cats: Your Choice by Wild King

A warrior Cat Choice Game. HEAVY WIP!


*If a Dog, Fox, Badger, ECT. is at 4 Health, they will flee. This can be found in one of the battles.
*You get to make choices and make your own story
*Perfect for making backstories to OCs
*Anyone can have different stories
*In game battles were a player rolls a die and its a random chance.
*Option to become friendly or lonely
*Option to leave the clan
*Important Rules


*1.0 - Game Releases (7/14/2019, EST)

Going To Be Added...

-Cat Customization
-More Endings/Stories
-Ability to play as two or more cats (Sibling options)
-Better Warriors Grammar
-More Art
-Health System
-Food System
-Clan Choice

Needed If Possible...



None Yet :)

Other Projects

Warriors Flash Adventure Game
((Will be on Scratch till I can program properly))
Wolf's Life (Text)

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20 Jan 2025
I didn't know weather to do 3 or 4 stars it was really good but yes the Symbols where confusing.

25 Jul 2022
Good story

Review by dashfoox
15 Jul 2022
good game, I recommend searching for reviews that request certain features to be worked on. For the players you should just use notepad or paper for keeping track of symbols. You should add a button to go back after a little so players aren't too frustrated when they may have misclicked somewhere while playing or used a ### option.

Review by Foxglove
29 Jun 2022
I haven't played the whole game as it is frustrating to do so. I have just started and there are lots of choices that end abruptly, without any other choices. I suggest you proofread your story before publishing. Except for those and the confusion with the symbols you used, your game looks good!
---Respectfully, Foxglove

20 Aug 2021
Awesome! If I had you to help me with mine I’d be cruising! :p

Review by Mint_Berry
06 Aug 2021
Great ideas and I like how you include quite a few different options, I am honestly testing different games out as mines a WIP. If you ever want tips or advice just ask me and I`ll freely give you anything! I think your game so far is great and will be great when fully finished! -Mint_Berry

Review by Willowdapple
24 Mar 2021
Sorry, but I didn't think it was that fun. I thought the symbols were overly confusing, it's definitely not finished, and I'm not sure I got it that much. If you could simplify it, that would be great.

Review by scarly woods
25 Feb 2020
I loved it but I wish there was more to it like detail and storyline wise. Overall if was good.
I'm writing my own but Its unfished. I'm going to update some more today but here is a link if you want to check it out and tell me what you think. thanks!


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Wild King

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 14 Jul 2019
Updated 14 Jul 2019





