The Adventures of Koww the Magician by Brian the Great

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Review by kenny10293847
05 Feb 2010
First off, neither 'x' nor 'examine' are usable verbs. The game is extremely short, and extremely simple. The player can't look at or examine items that he is carrying. Some items that are in rooms are not listed. I'm also assuming that most of these posts and ratings were made by the author. :-/

Review by Louise Murray
13 Jul 2008
Very good but way too short!

Review by zanessa~
30 Aug 2007
kool game.maybe if i didnt searh it it will even be bett er

01 Nov 2004
Yeah, it's funny. But the puzzles are poorly planned and the descriptions are screwed up. Why are numerous objects/characters bolded in the description but they aren't even in the room? There is no treasure on the table even though it says there is. Farmer Zeke isn't in the room even though the game says he's standing there.
Very screwed up. Better luck next time.

Review by Anonymous
29 Oct 2004
Even though it is very short,
it is very funny and entertaining,
and i simply like it.

If you (the author) some day plan to make a new version,
please make it a little longer would you?

Then i would give it 5!

Review by Cardtable 7
21 May 2004
If there was an award given for the shortest and wackiest quest adventure, this one takes the cake. BRAVO!!!

Review by diago666
29 Dec 2003
its good
vveeerrrryyyy long

i gotta hand it to you, its a great game!

03 Jan 2003
This game and the 'Cheese Adventures' are both winners for the same reasons, but unlike the cheese game this one has legnth (in comparison, anyway), plot, and puzzles. It is hilarious and I advise trying to take, speak to, and look at everything, even inanimate objects that you can't speak to, just for the sarcastic responses.

Highs: Really really funny, presents a challenge, really really really really funny. Like really funny.

Lows: The game is for an older version of Quest and there are some compatibility problems, but otherwise NOTHING!

Review by JW Cowan
01 Jul 2002
Although it is brief, every action, every description and every character is packed with ridiculousness. It's very fun to play around in, examining and trying to take everything- there are a lot of creative and hilarious responses.

Review by Carlii Cortez1
01 Jul 2002
I agree, this is definetly the best comedy game I've ever played on Quest!

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Written by
Brian the Great

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Written for Quest 2.0
Published 01 Jan 2000

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