Part two of Karen takes place where part one leaves off. You begin to adjust to life with Elijah when you and the people around you are put into grave danger- again.
Please leave a review and/or comment. It helps a lot to fix and improve for future games. I'm waiting for a few before I move forward with the series so I know what to change.
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I continue to enjoy the story itself. I am also pleased that this chapter is a bit longer than the first part. But again, there is a serious lack of interactivity here--a good story that needs much more 'game' to it. Seriously, just a couple more links would've *easily* raised this from a 2 star rating to 3.
God...I love this story. I can't believe I stopped playing it. After playing it again, it was just amazing. I'm going to enjoy playing the next part (seeing as it is out now). Good work sir.
I'm rather enjoying these stories you write, although I think you need to do a once over for editing, I noticed a couple spots that didn't quite mesh (fairly minor though so its pretty much fine), but mostly I think just make the next one a bit longer and maybe add a few more options, to make it more of a adventure rather than reading through
(on the other hand its good as is, so I suppose either way works lol)
I think this is shaping up to be a neat little story, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Goodbye and good-luck
Average rating
Written by Magic Orange
Plays 4249
Downloads 2672 Download file
Written for Quest 5.4
Published 05 Nov 2013
Updated 26 Dec 2013
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