Shiversword: The Beginning by CJ592

This is a short game based on the character Shiversword the Bard from Sir Loin 2. It is much the same format. You play Shiversword trying to fulfil his destiny to become a world famous bard.

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Review by DavyB
22 Oct 2018
I enjoyed this game just as much as Shiversword 2: The Magic Harp. It is the type of family-friendly, good-humoured game that I enjoy, and is set at a challenge level that that suits me. In particular, there are no dead ends, no way to die during the game, and enough comments to cover the trickier puzzles. Like Shiversword 2, it is essentially a 5-star game, but with so many rough edges it has to lose a star. It's still good fun, however!

Review by GameofChocolate
13 May 2017

The storyline was good but i couldn't work out many of the pieces I needed to continue. I never got an invitation, I couldn't cut anything, for cat guts and for mattress straw. I couldn't get socks. I couldn't find the mask. There really should be a link to the walkthrough. I finally just gave up because I simply couldn't figure out how to proceed.

Review by danaburgerrr
18 Dec 2014
loved this one! so much fun and I only needed to revert to hints from the comments a couple times. the cat vomit took me forever, but I had no trouble with getting the canary back into the cage, although it seemed like others did. I think I was tired of carrying all those things around with me that it just made sense at that point, lol. again, your map/world is a great size, easily navigable, and the puzzles were challenging but not impossible. although I will admit, at first when I found out I'd need cat gut I thought I might have to kill the cat and thought you a bit cruel. ;) you keep getting better and better at these, I hope you make more games soon! x

Review by Father Thyme
22 Feb 2014
Brilliant. Well thought through. Clothes/clothing (didn't understand clothes ) threw me a bit .

Review by dawn153
17 Jun 2013
needed the comments to finish but still didn't manage to get that bird in the cage! Great game

Review by Marcos Artiaga
01 Apr 2012
Another great game! Finished with all gold stars! I am totally addicted.

Review by mclovin
31 Mar 2012
ugg stuck at the start

Review by Chindu
02 Feb 2012
Awesome game! Couldn't figure out where the bird perch is, so only got 9 cleaning points, but AWESOME GAME!!! Keeps me awake during class hahah

Review by LinaLyssic
18 Jun 2011
Okay, I feel really stupid but I have finished the game now. Didn't make enough at the party to get mama chocolates :(
And I don't know why my third star was also silver, but I looooove this game.

Review by Erica1
30 Apr 2011
Finally finished, thanks for the help. It was very enjoyable, difficult parts and all.

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Written for Quest 4.0
Published 20 Aug 2007

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