OTHERWISE by treehouseinflames

Your name is Maru and you, currently, are scared to death. Ever since yesterday, the TV and radio have been talking about a virus spreading through towns and cities, wiping everyone out and putting your little town on edge.

Follow along in this first-person adventure as you fight zombies, collect teeth and attempt to save yourself from an apocalypse.

(This is my first work and is actually an outline for an actual game I'm making so constructive criticisms are welcomed! )
Review by yoshiclay9000
29 Aug 2016
Its okay, Different. But okay.

Review by bloonscat
29 Aug 2016
The plot isn't exactly unique, but it's not bad. Will be waiting for it to become longer and more developed.

Review by MTaylor
28 Aug 2016
This is different to say the least.

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External Link
Published 23 Aug 2016

