The Hunger Games by RapidRivers360

Welcome to the hunger games. You and 99 other kids are competing to get out of this competition ALIVE. Alliances will be made and lives will be taken. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds EVER be in your favor.

==============================NOTICE===============================ALL headphone users, there is some loud music so be careful with your volume settings. There also are some violent descriptions that may upset or unsettle some people. Play this game at your own risk. Or don't!
Credits to Suzanne Collins for making the original hunger games and inspiring me to make this knock of version. Thanks to Chat GPT for editing and improving my sentence structure and my grammar. Thank you to TheGreatUnknownYlime for editing my grammar and giving me (poor) advice. Thank you to YouTube and Eduardo Tavera On for posting the soundtrack for The Fallen. Thank you Yt5s for helping me convert the video into an mp3. Thank you for TextAdventures for providing me an easy to use software to make my game on. Finally thank you to my humanities teacher for making me create this game.

That's all folks! ENJOY!

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Review by Canadian_Godzilla
15 Mar 2024
as a fan of the hunger games, i definitely liked this game- it was very fun. however i do feel the change of 24 tributes to 99 was a little unnecessary and i wish at the start of the game it gave you some background on who you are, (your district, class, gender, family situation, etc etc) it would have definitely made the game more immerseful. still though great game! Im hoping the author will have the time to update it soon as it scratched the itch for more hunegr games content that i will have for the rest of time. :)

Review by Harperswannny
15 Mar 2024
This game had me intrigued and wanting more. The idea of taking a book and turning it into a spine-chilling game is ingenious. There is some editing and formatting that needs to be improved, but overall, I recommend this game. 

14 Mar 2024

This author represented confidence and creativity throughout the game they demonstrated big brains! One thing that I think could be better or improved is less talking about the carachters overall recommend 4.6 out of 5

Review by KEcgcs
14 Mar 2024
The hunger games is a great game and would highly recommend! I hope you are able to finish this at some point, i think this game would do very well! I don't see anything to criticize you about, i would gladly play this again! Great work!

14 Mar 2024
It's really fun i love that you chose to base it on the hunger games it almost feels like I'm in the game, can't wait until it's done!

Review by jesusslipped
12 Mar 2024
I was very excited to play this game. As a big fan of The Hunger Games, I eagerly anticipated experiencing it. The game immerses you in the world of the Hunger Games, akin to a fan fiction adventure.

The concept of the game was quite clever, and I found it amazing, despite its unfinished state. The game holds immense potential. The only minor issue I encountered was with the font—it was slightly challenging to read, although that might have been just me.

Overall, my experience with The Hunger Games game was delightful, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to any fellow Hunger Games fans!


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