Warrior Cats CYOA by vulturevomit

IMPORTANT: This game is not finished yet! If you get stuck somewhere it is because I have not updated that route yet.

Welcome to Warrior Cats CYOA! In this game you play as Bearpaw, runt of his litter and apprentice to ShadowClan. Depending on the choice you make he could become a great warrior... or if you're not so lucky you could get him killed.


This game is LGBTQ+ friendly~ In the finished game I've planned for 5 possible romantic interests, and 18 different endings!

[ content warnings: blood, caps, potential harassment, potential abuse, potential character death, potential dismemberment/body horror, animal death- potential b/c not all paths contain these ]

If you've read the Warrior Cats series nothing exceeds the amount of violence in those books. =^o^=

I've tried to keep the writing style similar to the warrior cats books, but also have brief summaries at the bottom of each page in case you don't want to read that much just to play a game. [tldr;]

Your character's starting info-
Name: Bearpaw
Gender: Demiboy; he/him pronouns
Orientation: Panromantic Bisexual
Age: Twelve moons
Physical appearance: Scrawny black tom with white paws and rounded yellow eyes.
Living Family: Foxpaw and Wolfpaw, siblings

The territory map art is from the Warrior Cats books.

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25 Jul 2022
Good story.Fantastic game

Review by goodbunny2
26 Apr 2021
think this is very good but I'm saddened by the date of which it was last updated- 2017. I mean it's 2021 here people. If you want to check my game out, or anyone really, here it is. I just updated and I'm almost finished with the storyline and I ask anyone whos sees any mistakes to comment it so I can fix it. Editing is hard for me so feel free to help me out by rating it, no pressure though. ty <3


Review by BookCat24
26 Dec 2020
Great game! Heres a problem, you should definitely read the books. They're amazing!

Review by Heres a problem
08 Mar 2020
I l0ve the game! I've never readd the books but im planning on do so. The game seems so interesting, I think I'll get some books. ty dude ;)

Review by scarly woods
02 Mar 2020
I think this is very good but I'm saddened by the date of which it was last updated- 2017. I mean it's 2020 here people. If you want to check my game out, or anyone really, here it is. I just updated and I'm almost finished with the storyline and I ask anyone whos sees any mistakes to comment it so I can fix it. Editing is hard for me so feel free to help me out, no pressure though. ty <3

Review by The_Lion's_Den
27 Nov 2019
This is really good and has a lot of detail!

Review by Swiftthunder
13 Nov 2019
I really like this so far! It’s really detailed and I like how you put the pictureS of the cats above the page. I can’t wait for the finished version!

Review by Geckowolf88
17 Apr 2019
So far this game is pretty awesome and I really can't wait to see more!

Review by Stormblaze
03 Jul 2018
This is great! It’s pretty cool, and there are correct spelling and grammar. You should definitely finish this! ^^

The only thing I’d point out is that when I agreed Swanfeather to help me, it says that “You And SNAKETAIL find Foxpaw cornered by an owl.” Maybe you should fix that. But other than that, this is pretty decent! Totally should finish it! :D

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