Monsters: Apocalypse by Magic Orange

Monsters: Apocalypse takes place one month after the events of the first game. You and Alex have banded together and left town. But when food supplies run low you are forced to attempt to find supplies in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio. During your expedition you begin to question whether Alex is capable of doing what it takes to survive, and experience what humanity becomes when survival is at stake.

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Review by GameofChocolate
28 Jun 2017
It could be better if it wasn't for the "your choice yielded nothing" options, and then when I try to not be a douchebag to the guy with the truck, I die.I felt like i was being guided rather than offered a game.

Review by snazzy ray
06 Dec 2016
The story is really good; you should really give more choices though.

Review by DaNiX88
29 May 2015
You are showing signs of improvement, but please, please, please fix your grammar errors! I really like the pace of this game, and you have a knack for writing this style of game. The best part is if you die, you don't have to start over. My one piece of advice though is that you should try make the different options matter. Like, if I choose to say one thing, then the relationship between Alex and me changes for the rest of the game.
I understand this is hard for games separated in sequels, etc. so if you are interested, you should merge the small games into a larger, and more complex game, if you're interested!

The style is getting better, but the many grammar mistakes and streamlined choices are holding me back from giving a higher rating!

However, I'm still highly anticipating the next game!! Good work.

Review by RaptorFace
28 May 2015
The awsomest story ever!!!!! KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK!!!!!!

31 Dec 2014
The Story is ok, but hard to follow. What I mean is 1. the character interaction between the main character and Alex. Like it hard to see what type of character we are, if we don't know "who" we are and if we had more insight on what type of person Alex is. 2. Another thing I kinda have a problem with is what type of zombies are they facing, because the Zombies/Monsters seem to be slow moving but in large groups or are they fast? Idk It'll be nice if you clear that up too. 3. My last problem is I don't what the story about? Like what is our main character goals? (other than to find food) . Other than I think you make this better. Of course I'm going to read 2 and 3. Thanks For Reading

Review by Kdbg32
24 Dec 2014
Good grammar and plot to keep the story carry in great best text game I've played on here very good job

Review by Renagrade
23 Dec 2014
Awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed the game! I'm leaving a review because you asked me to :)

First of all, the writing was great! I thought that the interactions between characters was very real and down to earth. I like the action too.

The choices were a little bit limited at times, but as a Gamebook writing myself, I can understand how that happens. I would love to see one with a lot more options than the one you have here.

Still, the lack of choices wasn't enough to take it down from the rating I had in mind. I'll probably be playing part 2 soon! Feel free to check out my game too :)

Review by Dingo_12
13 Nov 2014
Very cool sequel. btw please check out my game "3 months later"

Review by causualplayer1
13 Nov 2014
that was fun

Review by LeoGrave
04 Aug 2014
Love the character development and possible romance between the main character and Alex. Amazing job ^^ 5 stars!

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Written by
Magic Orange

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 29 May 2013
Updated 05 Jun 2015

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