The Path of Willowfrost by Krystallix3

“The Path Of Willowfrost” is a game about a cat in a clan, WildClan, named Willowfrost. She has a very complicated life, and you get to navigate through it. Willowfrost is a white she-cat with brown eyes. Brown is on her tail and legs, fading towards her body. She is intelligent and curious, but sometimes too curious. She also is emotional at times.

WildClan has a forest filled territory, but with less shrubbery than normal. Clans to the left, right, and up occupy areas. There are two clans on the left, closest being QuakeClan in mountain territory, then HareClan in rocky territory. Above is DoveClan in rich hill territory. To the right is DrizzleClan, in a river filled territory. In the middle of the clans is the meeting place, Breathing Tree, where they meet every full moon under a truce. The cats talk to Moon Dwellers, their ancestors, in Spirit Hollow, a small dreamy area between DrizzleClan and DoveClan.

I credit the creators of the Warriors series for their wonderful books! The creators go by the pen name of Erin Hunter. Warriors is a series of books about cats, groups, spirits, prophecies, journeys, and more! I love the series, and that love lead me here. This is a work in progress game, so that means it isn’t yet finished ;-; This character is my first ever complete Warriors OC (original character). Take care of her please ;3

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Review by goodbunny2
04 Apr 2021
don't play this, it's a joke.

Review by Misterfox
09 Jun 2020
Umm it doesn't have any options its just three pages saying "This is a page type what you want here and create links" or something please write it it sounds like it would be really good.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 03 Mar 2019
Updated 04 Mar 2019





