Lost Dog by Claire6129

You're a tiny lost chihuahua.
You have to be careful because you live near ponds and swamps, plus there's a man that has been waiting for the perfect alligator bait.

Your goal is to survive and find your owners in time.
Please tell me if you find any bugs, but I think I got them all. :D

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Review by ajryan318
28 Nov 2016
the dog was so cute at the end of the story. but dont let the cats eat you

Review by CreateAnAccount
24 Nov 2016
This was waaaaay too easy m8. 1725...

Review by Nutjitzu
14 Jan 2016
Awwww! Adorable!^-^
I love puppies! Great job!

Review by CraftyKat
17 Jun 2015
Some misspelled words, a very adorable puppy. It's fun and mildly entertaining. Better than some...

Review by Marzipan
27 Nov 2014
This had a plot and some descriptive writing so that alone makes it better than a good percentage of the gamebooks on this site. But the pictures could have lined up with the text better, and you've got some misspelled words sprinkled around though (repeated uses of 'riffle' being the most glaring). And look, I'm sorry, but I think I'm just going to have a policy from now on of just automatically trimming a star of hyperlink games that kill you over and over and don't at least provide a 'go back' link.

That said, I don't want to discourage you, so I let me emphasize again that the writing was pretty decent, I felt bad for that poor puppy having so many horrible things happen to him!

I see you have a lot of games, I'll try and check out another later.


Review by honestly
23 Jul 2014
I loved the idea! Very creative!

Review by Tom C.L.
29 Jun 2014
A great idea. I was eaten by rats.

Review by AxeEcliptica
22 May 2014
It's cute, however picture placement is kind of annoying and takes away from the experience. It's cute though, like a children's book.

Review by NoGoodNamesLeft
11 May 2014
Haha, this is great.

Review by Paper Asssassin
17 Jan 2014
Great Game! Love the theme, and cute story too.

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 18 Dec 2013

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