The Beast by ParableDood

For updates and more, check the update log in-game!

You are in your bedroom when you hear a moaning sound. You know it's him. He's been torturing you every night for two years. He knows your fear. He's after you.

You must find a way to escape the Beast and save yourself from his wrath.

This game is not about length or story. It's about escaping from the Beast. With over 20 areas to explore, you're gonna have to hurry if you want to escape with your life. There IS a story to the game, but it takes luck and courage to find all the clues. Good luck.

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Review by funkyspunk90
21 Sep 2016
Ok, another of the games where you guess options and some kill you randomly- there aren't any clues which, or descriptions. In that way it's like a lot of other games. I know it's supposed to be about escaping the beast, but when it can turn up instantly anywhere at random there isn't much skill or tension in it. It might work better if every time you make a mistake it gets closer, instead of having it appear and kill you all in one move?
The author's obviously enthusiastic about their work, good luck

Review by Ozzy S.T.
22 Apr 2016
A very simple but nonetheless entertaining game. I'd call it a good "quickie Escape Game", really.
Congrats for the work and attention to detail, ParableDood. Absolutely loved the developer's log with all the updates and future projects being included for players to check. These kinds of details are hard to come by :-)
I recommend this one for all those looking for a "5 minute or less" simple kind of narrative.
Keep'em coming, ParableDood!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 12 Feb 2016
Updated 27 Sep 2016





