Warriors: Choose Your Path by nightsenna

Play as a RiverClan cat (more Clans will be coming soon) and control your entire life as a warrior or medicine cat. Train apprentices, start families, lead your Clanmates into battle, and play as 20+ different characters!

This is currently incomplete, so don’t get your hopes up haha. So far, I’ve only gotten partway through one character’s kithood. It will take a while to complete even one storyline.

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30 Dec 2021
This is great! A LOT better than some other warriors games I've seen, can't wait for it to continue!

Review by goodbunny2
26 Apr 2021
It's soo good! I wish It had more. In my opinion, you can always add more choices that are dire and more choices later on, but what is really important to me is how long you play. If there is a bunch of problems but they all have one page, I bet it would have horrible reviews. But I think It has great potential. My game is here and I just updated it and you are free to comment mistakes and review it.


Review by Willowdapple
24 Mar 2021
Not bad but it definitely needs to be worked on. Also once you finish playing mossball with Fawnkit and being on defense (and after you win!) It goes to where you wake up with one of the other kits and explore the forest. Could you fix that? Thanks!

Review by Lilybraken
04 Jan 2021
Yeah, I wish it had more... could you work on it a little?

Review by scarly woods
02 Mar 2020
It's soo good! I wish It had more. In my opinion, you can always add more choices that are dire and more choices later on, but what is really important to me is how long you play. If there is a bunch of problems but they all have one page, I bet it would have horrible reviews. But I think It has great potential. My game is here and I just updated it and you are free to comment mistakes and review it.

Review by Misterfox
01 Mar 2020
really great love it and hope you finish it!!!!!!! :)

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 17 Feb 2020
Updated 28 Feb 2020





