Monsters by Magic Orange

You wake up alone in a house with no memory of how you got there or what is going on. Upon venturing outside you find a hellish new world where everything you do is a fight for survival.

This is only the first part of the game and I plan to continue it. This is my first game so it my be a little short. I'm still getting the feel for making these.

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Review by mentlegen
21 Dec 2016
again limiting the choices even if this is a choice game if you pick a choice it wont do anything and you will die that is not a choice game then only if you make a really bad choice then you should die

Review by Ekename
13 Dec 2015
I like this, it's got some real potential, but it feels like it would be better as maybe a text adventure rather than a game book, just for the fact of searching through the mystery house.

Review by Mango art
21 Aug 2015
It has good potential, but I didn't like how the only successful choices were to fight. And I felt like you didn't humanize the hoarders enough, I find it unrealistic that they would shoot you for trying to do what they told you to do.

Review by DaNiX88
29 May 2015
This is great for your first game! I really liked the atmosphere and progression! It was fairly descriptive, but not drawn out, making it feel very fast-paced! I'm very looking forward to play the next game and see what progress you've made as a gamebook writer.

Try to make the game a little bit longer!

Review by MisterPibb316
24 May 2015
Victor summed this one well. It has the feel of a short tech demo that was publicly released as a game.

Review by HakuMasarugi
31 Mar 2015
I personally liked the game a lot, and can't wait to play the rest of the games in the series. I really do hope that this turns out to be a long, great game that I could share with my friends. Definite bookmark for this one, though.

Review by victorgijsbers
17 Mar 2015
Raise your hand if you have ever played a game with this premise: "Almost everybody in the world has turned into zombies. You have to search for weapons, defend yourself against attacking hordes, and meet up with some other survivors because there might be strength in numbers ... if you can trust them."

Now raise your hand if you've lost count of how many games with that premise you have played.

Right. I wonder why people want to remake the same game over and over again. Surely it is more fun to write something with at least some originality? But here we have another bog standard zombie game. It is not helped by bad spelling and writing, by having little content, and by having few if any meaningful choices. Best avoided.

Review by causualplayer1
13 Nov 2014
the best of writing, thanks.

Review by bloodietoes
18 Jul 2014
The game was pretty good. I liked the choices when you were fighting the zombies. Can't wait to play the others.

Review by TheHatMan
08 Jul 2014
Not bad, I liked the choices.

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Written by
Magic Orange

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 25 May 2013
Updated 11 Aug 2013

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