Green Light by Carlii Cortez

"Green Light" is a challenging puzzle IF game. Finding yourself in a tower room, with no idea how you got there, you must explore the place and find out the reason of your existence, and ultimately, your destiny.

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Review by danaburgerrr
25 Sep 2014
well...I liked this game until I found out how short it is. that's it? I dunno, I'm kind of disappointed. I did enjoy the baking aspect, that was pretty fun. and the descriptions were written well, with hints placed strategically and at helpful points. but I would have liked more of the baking puzzle, and more substance to the entire game. I understand it was probably your introductory game or whatever, but the description made it sound totally epic and then it ended and I was like, oh. very anti-climactic.

while we're at it, the commands drove me CRAZY. if you're going to have such specific things to carry, pick up, etc, your commands need to accommodate for that by catching words and combinations of words that are close enough to what the task is. particularly when baking, this was extremely cumbersome. for example, "use flour with water" would have sufficed rather than typing out the entire thing.

also the puzzles are pretty basic. hmm, looks like keycard A probably fits into panel A. I'd like to have seen a bit more depth with that.

OK game. I like where it was headed, but then it ended, and I don't see a sequel anywhere. either follow through and make another game or make the first more complex from the get-go. sorry to say this is probably the least favorite that I've played so far on this site. lack of originality and generally kind of simple. it would probably be a good game for a beginner though.

Review by BeautyvsAshes
08 Jun 2014
This was fun to play. I loved the cooking aspect to it. That was my favourite thing. I am guessing the second instalment is not coming soon since this was published so long ago. A shame. But still I enjoyed it :)

Review by Ladnar
11 Nov 2003
The game works and makes use of intermediate features (like menus for searchs and dialogue). The baking challenge was clever. Some puzzles where given away too much in the descriptive text (e.g., the sign by the cow). Perhaps remove some of this "hint" text, but make clues available through dialogue or "examine" commands. [For example, you could have cow milking instructions hidden on a collar around the cow's neck, that would have to be noticed and read). Also, the card/device A-C labelling was too obvious. Develop these a bit more as puzzles, and require the player to figure out which item goes with which device (and have interesting things happen if they pair things wrongly).

Review by Anonymous
09 Oct 2003
The game was very great with the menus and all I couldn't help but give it 4 outstanding stars.

Review by JiffyLube
29 Jun 2003
It's annoying, frustrating, addicticting, fun, and INSANELY tough at the same time! GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 Jun 2003
The game has some great puzzles to it; unfortunatley I'm already confused at an early point. How do I carry that bag of sugar or make that "monster" food?

Review by Squiggle
07 Feb 2003
DarkAng3l - Carlii is male... as carlii means Carl 2 :)

Review by B.J. Best
12 Dec 2002
Overall this game is well-written, and obviously time and care has been put into writing the descriptions of the rooms and objects and devising the puzzles. Some of the puzzles are better than others, though. The Figari bread one is rather inspired; finding the next card to open the next door and searching each drawer of a cupboard are rather dull to me.

One of my biggest concerns is the time period when this particular piece of IF takes place. Castles and monsters and giants all seem to point to that mythical "long-ago" time where many adventures take place, but yet we have mechanically advanced things like doors that require keycards and a grain hopper. It wold seem more logical to stick with the "long-ago" timeframe, maybe replace the grain hopper with a mill, and do something else about the keycards (Magic words? Brute strength? The keycards seem particularly anachronistic.).

Another issue I have is your stance toward the 8-eyed monster. "It horrifies and chills you to the bone," the game tells you, but yet the monster, while ugly, is very amiable, and somehow you have no problem striking up a conversation with it. Seeing as you ultimately persuade him to step aside, I don't find him that horrifying. I think some sort of goofy, almost dopey monster might work better here. When I think horrifying monsters, my immediate reaction is to kill/maim/disable them, not cook them dinner! :-)

The commands were logical and intuitive to me, which is always important.

This is certainly one of the better games in the archive, although the story is admittedly only half-told. I'm sure the expansion will definitely help make this a more complete gaming experience.

06 Sep 2002
Well, first of all I have to say that Carlii took care of her game: It is very well written and taken care of. What matters though is the inside that counts. And the inside is average. Without the game being bad at all, I was turned off by some things:
A) The riddles they weren't inspired enough. A riddle based game must have some original ones. Instead, this game was full with run-of-the-mill puzzles.
B) The story, or perhaps the lack of one: Even though the idea to reveal what is going on in the end of the game, along with the promise of a sequel, it doesn't work good enough for such a small game. Some poeple may find it fun to run in a castle and solve puzzles to find out what is up, but I am not one of them
C) There should be more synonyms. For instance, you couldn't "Open door" but could only "Open latch door". It sometimes may be annoying.

To sum up, this game can stand as a good choice for those who seek a puzzle-based adventure game. Congratulations Carlii, you did a good job and I am looking forward for the gold expansion (After all, it will have a story.)


Review by Evelsvia
30 Aug 2002
thats not the game mate....its ok to me ;) its a great game, extremely challenging and alot of thought has been put in. :D

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Carlii Cortez

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Written for Quest 3.1
Published 24 Aug 2002

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