Warrior cats: ShAtTeReD {She-cats} by Thecatofallcats


Can you survive as a clan cat as your path is laid out in front of you with challenges in your way?
Will you become a medicine cat, leader,warrior,elder, etc?

--NOTE: Heavy WIP, definitely going to have some script bugs.--

Only for She-cats, a tom version will be out after this one, seeing more girls like warriors.
Review by Battybait329250
14 Jul 2021
I honestly think it’s well written and I like the name Cedarclaw BUT I do think there should be more options. since it’s a wip I’m sure you’ll have more options as you continue but I think you should open with more options, other than that I will say it’s written very well and I like the idea!

27 Jun 2020
you did great!more plz

Review by Eagleclaw
25 Mar 2020
It's still great dispite it not being finished, so I'm giving a review real quick.

Review by Heres a problem
08 Mar 2020
I wish itt was longer and had more options and paragraphs.

Review by scarly woods
27 Feb 2020
It was very good! I wish it was longer though. My game is here,


And I want you or anyone really to check it out and tell me what you think. I'm looking to improve and add before I finish part 1/3! thanks, <3 (can you also look for grammar mistakes?)

Review by arashinome
22 Jun 2018
I like the fact that there are few/no errors in punctuation and such, however, I suppose my opinion would be to add more options. The problem with this, though, is that it would open more paths therefore leading to a longer wait time for the full game, as well as cause you more problems. The mere fact you have so many career choices is outstanding, because most would select one and go on from there.
Nonetheless, an excellent beginning, and I can see that there will be potential in this game! :D

Review by hellokitty53
22 Jun 2018
I kinda like it... It's good, but I've seen better. I know you can make it to my five-star recommendation.

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