Is This Reality or Fantasy? by Sophie3

How far down does the rabbit hole go? Will you discover the truth, or continue to live a lie...

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Review by MisterPibb316
23 May 2015
This game had a tremendous amount of potential: it starts you on an immediate cliffhanger, and presents you with immediate choices that would seem to have immediate consequences, until, as the previous reviewer mentioned, you realize that they have no actual bearing on where the game is heading.

In terms of writing style, this game works, and it does make you curious about what happens next. You'll be done in 5 minutes or less, though.

Review by Lagren
10 Jul 2013
What I really dislike in interactive stories is when I have choices that turn out to not be choices.

You don't want to get in the car? Too bad for you, you're in the car.

Come on, if you're going to have multiple endings you could at least make the routes to them more divergent.

Review by Happy Grace
08 Jul 2013
Brilliant! Did all the endings, loved it.

Review by Voodoo2100
03 Jul 2013
That was the first game I've played on here and it totally brightened my day. Had to keep playing to get all the endings. Great job!

30 Jun 2013
I played it over and over to get all the endings. A little cliched, but I still liked the outcome at the end, whatever the initial ending.

Review by Michael29
26 Jun 2013
it was a really fun game

Review by alora
19 Jun 2013
you did an amazing job! got all the endings..

Review by Jocelynn
12 Jun 2013
Great plot and endings. I had to keep playing until I got all of the endings! I liked it very much.

Review by Zeke1
03 Jun 2013
I liked it, and because I can find no flaws, you got five stars. There is not much else to say. I got all of the endings.

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 01 Jun 2013
Updated 15 Jun 2013

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