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Reviews by MAD SPANNER

Review for Alone in the woods
08 Jul 2016
Well done, I enjoyed that! It's length was fine as it didn't outstay its welcome, and the concept of the story was effectively told. The fridge logic bothers me, I wish there was more visual description and depth to each choice. You have the right backbone for a great text adventure, could do with fleshing out in your own time :)

09 Jun 2014
made me laugh!

For a quick read, this provided a lot of laughs than most! Dumb, but self aware and worth 5 minutes of an awkward boner.

Review for awake.
14 Aug 2013
Disturbing, horrible, vile, twisted, short, semen, cheerleader, spade, demented rampage etc.

Review for Monsters
14 Aug 2013
Very accessible with the short pages and large font, though I was less keen on the sometimes random choices to progress. (for example, two 'Fire' hyperlinks, one progresses, one kills you). It still set up a great apocalypse scenario.

Review for Rain
14 Aug 2013
Very short and uninspired. Works on a functional level, but it didn't hold my interest.

14 Aug 2013
A good effort, my first science fiction read so It was quite fresh territory for me. You set your universe up very well, and it was easy to visualize my interpretation of it. I like a little bit of a warning or a slight hint if an imminent bad ending is near because of the slight inconvenience of going through most of the story again - but at least I know space combat isnt really for me as a result!

Review for The Date
25 Jul 2013
The game offers you not just choices to progress, but also what happens if you do. Therefore, you choose your own story as it develops. It can lead to some chuckles, but mostly the humour falls a little flat.

Review for You are Snow 1935
24 Jul 2013
Interesting atmosphere and tone.

Review for Heavy Rain 0.1
24 Jul 2013
Consistently hilarious, made me laugh many times! I hope this will be a recurring feature gamesradar!

Review for can you hear me?
24 Jul 2013
Lacks flair and style, but functional. It gets the basics down, but nothing more. The short length means there's added incentive to quickly play again, but you will still get a very average experience.

Review for Treasure Island
14 Jul 2013
I persevered with this game with three attempts. There is potential do do more with this coordinate style game, but most of it here was traversing the empty, completly clueless and then suddenly dying and starting back to the start to do it all again, it wasn't fun. Unfortunatly, your game bugged out on me all three times where I couldn't move from the starting space when I died sometimes.

Its a generous 2 stars because I like the core idea of the game, but could of been so much better with polish, incentive, and maybe some humour or style.

Review for Last Life
14 Jul 2013
I'm not bitter, just disappointed. Maybe a good concept, but ruined by bugs and terrible presentation.

Review for Hiding
12 Jul 2013
At least you are honest to say it's pointless and short in the description! ;)

Review for A cat.
11 Jul 2013
SPOILER: its a cat.

Review for Destroy / Wait
11 Jul 2013
A bit pointless. I like the colour scheme and presentation, nothing else.

Review for Cabin Fever
08 Jul 2013
This is my first quest like game, using typed commands, and I was really pleased how absorbed I was getting into the story, so much that I was hungry at the start and didnt eat til the end! The puzzles were not terribly difficult, yet I still had those eureka moments. I had a great time playing this game thank you! great ending.

Absorbing all the way and made me chuckle on many occasions, even playing it on repeat playthroughs with different sidekicks. Great writing and satire, more inspiration to try comedic interactive storytelling myself. 5 stars well deserved!

Review for For Flora
02 Jul 2013
Very melancholic. Clicking for the next line is really effective.

Review for Dork
02 Jul 2013
OK, I had played through six times very quickly and though it really isnt the best story I've read, it did make me chuckle a little here and there. I have to commend the art made for the game along the way, it really helps make the game a lot more unique. There's potential.

Review for Family Choices
02 Jul 2013
"FRED!!" :D

Review for Portal Dungeon
01 Jul 2013
I haven't played these kind of games for about a decade, so it was quite nostalgic getting into this game. I was using an online dice and word document, and it was a little bit of a slog going back and forth all those pages. The game didn't absorb me into its world as much as I liked, and I might just be unlucky, but I found myself dying cheaply a few times without much warning. That's common in these kind of games, but it doesn't make it any less annoying. If the game had clear instructions on how the combat worked instead of me searching the rules myself of fighting fantasy, it will work in its favor, otherwise it serves as a potential barrier to stop newcomers.

That said, it's still a great introduction, and I would like to play more text adventure versions of fighting fantasy.

Review for Riddle Run
01 Jul 2013
I got to the pizza and ice cream riddle, and I was enjoying myself until I used a hint. The sudden "you died" suddely got me like a slap in the face, I was so dissapointed!!

Review for The Abyss
30 Jun 2013
Just read it the once, and it was really unsettling. The story flows so well and not long from the start I was completely absorbed until my particular end. Its written from the ground up of despair, confusion and existentialism, and never lets up on its tone, so if you like to indulge in the darkness, you will certainly feel something and this story will leave a lasting impression.(even if you get an abrupt end, such as mine). Its also likely to be just as depressing, so be warned, an experience in the abyss is exactly what this gives you.

Review for Choices
30 Jun 2013
Reminds me of the walking dead videogame (the good one with hard decisions. Good first chapter maybe, but its really short! thats the only downfall. If this story continues, make sure its soon and sharp cos I may forget to catch up on it. (itd be cool if the decisions from the first part carried over too).

30 Jun 2013
I played it over and over to get all the endings. A little cliched, but I still liked the outcome at the end, whatever the initial ending.





