The House on the Hill by DarkLizerd

My version for the Halloween challenge... It all starts on a dark stormy night...
And goes down hill from there...
There are a few ways to die, but they are creative, and predictable...
(how many ways did you try?)
Do you believe in ghosts??? after this, you just may...

I'm wondering if a few sound effects would add or subtract from the experience...
This is the updated version from Dark Halloween.
Quest 5.8 broke it, so I had to fix it, and I expanded it as well.
(Hopefully, I've gotten all the bugs out.)

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Review by daeun
05 Sep 2023
Engaging game, bit of a waste that I couldn't find the ending.

Review by BobbingBird
29 Jul 2021
Would be good, if very simple, but the staircase to the second floor is glitched so you can't go up it. This means the game effectively has no ending.

Review by jmnevil54
17 Jun 2021
Very good game. I got stuck and I don't know where I'm supposed to go, but at least I lived.
I had managed to pull down the ceiling.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 22 Nov 2017
Updated 17 Apr 2021





