The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky

Don't Panic! Relax, because everything you need to know about playing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is contained in the pages of this manual. In this story, you will be Arthur Dent, a rather ordinary earth creature who gets swept up in a whirlwind of interstellar adventures almost beyond comprehension.

As the story begins bulldozers are waiting to reduce your house to rubble to make way for a motorway bypass. While you attempt to deal with this problem, your rather strange friend Ford Prefect drops by to tell you that the Earth is about to be demolished to make way for an interstellar bypass! If you survive this double threat, you'll embark on a series of inter-galactic misadventures even funnier than your worst nightmares!

A special note for people who have read the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Although the opening of the game is fairly similar to the book, the story quickly diverges, with lots of new material and different twists. Although familiarity with the story may make a few of the early puzzles easier, if you rely too heavily on this previous knowledge you will certainly end up getting misled.
Information in this game listing is copyright Benjamin Sokal, Emily Short, Gatekeeper, Markus Peter, RedHatter, Edward Lacey, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Review by Whamboy
15 Nov 2019
First this game makes me wince, then I roar with laughter.
BTW try enjoying something ex enjoy mud or enjoy headache.
and u gotta lie in front of the bulldoser, or y'know you will get HEADBRICKED.

Review by YyottaCat
07 Oct 2018
This is extremely hard.

Review by Tylordian
18 Sep 2018
Fun and engaging :)

Review by WarriorsSN
14 Jul 2018
It seemed really fun, though i couldnt figure out how to work it! why, i don't know, but it didn't appeal to me as much because i wasn't able to finish the game. i need help!

Review by gabz200
04 Jul 2018
This game is really good, its funny, challenging and follows the book.

Review by ILikeTofuuJoe
11 Jun 2018
Very nice, and this does go off with the book a bit. I can't get past the sub-etha electronic device.

Review by Philboy7488
07 Mar 2018
This game is hilarious and it presents a nice challenge (I too have been unable to get past the bulldozer segment thus far)

Review by Lsup52
20 Jan 2018
Great game, love the style, now i want to read the books!
(I still can't get past the bulldozer part.)

Review by broadwaydude
21 Jun 2017
It has and always will be my favorite text adventure. I managed to beat it, and that took about a month. Yet, I never got bored. Of course, the version with the graphics and all is much more convenient for the eyes (not like you are not gonna use any of the other senses). On the whole, I LOVE THIS GAME!

Review by Richard Headkid
27 Apr 2017
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable game.

It has been compiled and recompiled many times over many years and under many different editorships. (See FOOTNOTE 1.) It contains contributions from Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky.

The introduction begins like this:

You wake up. The room is spinning very gently round your head. Or at least it would be if you could see it which you can't.

It is pitch black.

This is the text adventure that I, like many others, cut my teeth on. I've played it numerous times and will probably play it many more. But, I am rather fond of the works of Mr. Adams. All five and a half books in the Hitchhiker's trilogy, the Dirk Gently novels... Last Chance to See is non-fiction, but it's great, too.

(Game, the game. Focus on the game!)
But, back to the game.

Douglas Adams loved computers. I'm sure you can find the backstory on this game easily with a quick online search, but the main thing to know is: Douglas was a computer fan from the jump. He was also a perfectionist. Writing, then rewriting again and again, watching deadlines fly by without a care, focusing on every detail, and that pays off for us more than anyone else. We can trust him to guide us through... well, the entire galaxy! And all on less than thirty Atrairian dollars a day!

Do you like to die frequently, sometimes for no reason? (Either way, you better save frequently!)
Are you a master of all five senses?
Do you like puzzles? Even improbable ones? (Consult the guide about everything, and you should figure everything out!)
Do you like Vogon poetry? [spoiler](Well, you better have that fish by the time you hear it! That's my advice!)[/spoiler]

If your answer to any on or all these questions is, "what???", then this is the game for YOU!

And remember: DON'T PANIC

I recommend this game to anyone who's enjoyed the book(s) and/or movie and/or TV series and/or radio show.

SIDE NOTE: You're lucky this game is so easily accessible these days. Back in my day, we had to go to the local Sears, through a door with a sign reading 'BEWARE THE LEOPARD' then down into the basement of the store to ask a man, who's specialty was usually either in men's footwear or sporting goods, to locate then sell you copy of this thing called a 'computer game'. (Not really. We just went to Radio Shack. The basement of Sears is where you had to go for Super Nintendo games.)

FOOTNOTE 1: This statement may or may not be true.

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Average rating
Written by
Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky
External Link
Published 1984
Listing added 12 Jan 2014

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