Dog of Apocalypse by Caelifer

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You are the very first experiment to ever successfully "wake up" and be "aware".

An intelligent and sentient being belonging to a species that was once loved the world over for being playful, furry, and dumb.

Yes, you are a dog. A very very smart dog. At least, that's what you tell yourself anyway.

Too bad the world as we know it has collapsed under the globally destructive problem called, "Zombies". No one to pet you, groom you, nor give you treats. But you're smart, you'll survive. Right?



This is a survival horror gamebook... well, it tries to be. So you might die a couple of times along the way. But being a smart dog makes it fun and exciting (in a pee-smelling Lassie hero-dog kind of way) so I labeled it as a comedy. A Survival Action Comedy, if you will.

Anywoof, enjoy the game! Have fun! And don't forget to rate and leave a comment!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 06 Jan 2016
Updated 08 Jan 2016

