Escape the Neighborhood: Furry Edition Public Demo by HiddenDark

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Thank you so much for playing Escape the Neighborhood! I hope you enjoy the updates to the existing content and look forward to the new scenes and locations.

This is the demo of the Furry Edition of the game. The Human Edition Demo can be played at

Escape the Neighborhood has grown so much over the last year I felt the need to release a new demo to show how far it's come! As of the previous demo I believe it had roughly 17 endings. As of the end of 2023 we are up to a total of 42 endings and 3 special "secret" endings! Not counting the Human Edition and area descriptions, flavor text, etc, the scripts alone amount to over 171,000 words! I cannot believe I have written that much but that does mean there is so much more to show you guys! This updated version of the demo contains all the QoL fixes to the game over the last year, almost all of the previous scenes (though there are a couple that are no longer available in the demo), as well as - for the first time ever - the additional Disposal scenes for all the previous scenes in the game! It also contains a small handful of new scenes as well as previews for all but a few of the other new scenes added since the previous demo! It also contains 1 of the 3 secret endings for you to find! Previously, the Human Edition Demo only included 3 scenes. Now it contains all of the scenes featured in the Furry Edition Demo!

For the previews, as they are not complete scenes they will not result in a Game Over like the normal scenes would. I've tried to reset things after each preview so you can continue playing but there may be some that are a little buggy, please forgive any resets that may cause.

This version does not contain the Cheat Codes feature available to Patrons or the background images for every area available in the Patron version.

I appreciate you checking out my game SO much and I hope you have a really good time exploring and playing.

Things have been incredibly hard since I was laid off my job right before Christmas and I've gone deeply in debt just to get by. I really need every bit of help I can to keep food in my mouth and a roof over my head. So please consider visiting my Patreon at and joining the Tasting, Swallowed, Gurgling, Fully Digested, or Great Googly Moogly tiers for access to game as it is updated! At higher tiers you can get custom scenes or even have your own characters added to the game so please stop by!

Thank you for playing!


It's finally that time. The day of year every prey dreads. "Pred Day". Every year on the first day of Fall is Pred Day, when any pred can eat any prey of legal age with no legal repercussions or social stigma, not that there's much of either for preds these days. Some preds go on a hunting spree, fucking and swallowing down anything that moves. Hell, some preds even accidentally eat other preds. (Though of course preds are naturally resistant to digestion so usually the swallower will notice and rectify their mistake far before it's too late, but not always...)

For the last 21 years of your life it just meant staying inside or staying close to your dad or brother, two preds nobody in their right mind would mess with. But now that you turned 21 a few days ago (Happy Birthday by the way!) you are officially on the menu. And not just for random strangers, no no no, as a prey you're now at risk of being a snack for any pred that crosses your path, even your own family!

For some mixed pred/prey families, the bond of family is enough to protect the smaller, weaker prey members and the preds of the family will protect their kin with a ferocity that is not to be taken lightly. For others, there's a shared indifference. After all prey is prey and if someone from the family doesn't eat them then someone else will. But for some families like yours, well... let's just say your father and brother both heartily celebrated your birthday and not for the same reason you did. In fact, your dad and brother have been arguing for the last few weeks about who is going to put you in their tank.

Now it's the day you've been dreading and you have a plan with just a few simple steps. As a prey minor, you couldn't legally go anywhere unaccompanied by an adult, even after general adulthood at 18, but now your goals are to escape your family, escape your house, escape your neighborhood, and find a prey only city somewhere far away where you can settle down and make a life for yourself. But it won't be easy. Between your dad and your brother, you're in the lion's den so to speak. Your father's locked the doors and windows in preparation and you haven't been allowed outside the house since your birthday. Not to mention you live in one of the most pred-heavy neighborhoods in town. It'll take all your wits to make it out alive, and if you fail there're no second chances.

Happy Pred Day, and good luck!


This story contains only M/M sex and vore. Plenty more preds will be added as the story goes! All preds will be male, however.

This is my very first vore story AND my first quest game so feedback is highly encouraged, but please be kind! If you run into any glitches please let me know ASAP!

Some inspiration was from: The Lodge by Talonsaurn, A Day at the Funfair by Jeschke, and Trapped by Jagkitty. (Among others!)

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Review by TBNRslime
08 Apr 2023
nice make more like this

Review by CooperDooper
15 Jan 2021
I can't wait to see this reach its full potential! It's buckets of fun as is, but I can only imagine how great these updates are going to be! Keep up the good work! :D

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 15 Jun 2020
Updated 15 Jan 2024

