10 Second Defence by Christina Nordlander

Your former business associate is sending a hitman to your flat. With the help of your enhanced reflexes, and the knowledge gained from previous failures, you need to set up a trap before the killer reaches your door.

A short, one-room game. Intended to be replayed in order to learn from previous playthroughs.

Note: The first version of this was entered in Ludum Dare 27 in 2013; however, this version has considerably expanded implementation and more alternative solutions.
Information in this game listing is copyright Christina Nordlander, Peter Pears, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
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Written by
Christina Nordlander
External Link
Published 20 Dec 2013
Listing added 13 Jan 2014

IFDB listing

