The Resort v4.0 by Piro

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(R-18+ WOW) (Reader x Vaporeon/Leafeon/Umbreon)

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Do you like Eeveelutions? Are you sick of CYOA games that get overly long before the actual sex scenes? The Resort is a completely free, Pokemon-themed Choose Your Own Adventure game with over 40 endings. Visit a dingy dive bar! Explore an abandoned beach! Get lost in a filthy alleyway! There's something here for everyone (if you want to fuck an eeveelution that is). Now with improved graphics, features, layouts and slightly better grammar! The Resort is a passion project of mine that I wrote in a burst of creativity in 2019, and I've been slowly updating it and revising it over time. There is no goal; other than enjoy the smut!

(10/11/20) v4.0: The Alley is finally complete! Desmond (the Umbreon) now has the same amount of endings as the Blaze/Camas. The Resort has moved to a brand new Twine markup language called Chapbook that allowed me to make a large amount of quality of life and gameplay improvements. This includes an achievement system, an optional spoiler playthrough, and Back and Restart buttons. Additionally, most of the prose has seen a massive overhaul, as I've gone back and re-wrote or edited endings- your favorite one might be different now, so make sure you take a look! I have also started laying the ground work for The Party (the last wing), as well as smaller feature updates like ambient music and optimization for mobile players.

Inspired by:

My Ko-Fi:

v3.5: Four new Umbreon endings, as well as some grammar and formatting changes. Reworked some of Desmond's arcs as well.
v3.0: This update is actually not too big. Many grammar corrections made, and the last ending for the Beach has been added. See if you can find it!
v2.9: Added three new Leafeon endings, as well as three more Umbreon endings. This brings the total number of endings in the game to a ridiculous 34. The Beach will be a finished area with the next update (missing only one ending), and I'm going to refocus my sights on finishing the Alley.
v2.7: Added a completely new area, The Alley with a new character. There's only four endings there right now, but watch this spot! Added a few new endings to the Beach. This brings the total number of endings in the game to 28 (!).
v2.3: Cleaned up a ton of grammar and formatting issues, and added three new Leafeon-focused endings. The Resort also has a new logo, although this one is mostly temporary.
v2.0: Huge revamp of the beginning. New Resort hub, new branch (The Beach) with a new Pokemon. The Resort hub now has an area where you can check the kinks in each wing of the resort. There are spoilers however! Added new theme for each area.
v1.5: Added three new endings, cleaned up some grammar, and added a few more subscenes. I'm declaring this one mostly done, but I really wanna expand this concept to other specific Pokemon.
v1.1: Added five new endings and expanded out a option. Cleaned up a few sentences for clarity and reformatted endings slightly.
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Added 25 May 2019
Updated 11 Oct 2020





