Empires of the Medieval Age by RavianGamingIndustries

Empires of the Medieval Age is a choose your own path style game set in the medieval times, and the best part? Anything is possible! Start out as a farmer and make your way to the top! Or perhaps you prefer the simple life of a merchant or other trade. The possibilities are endless!

We can promise a one of a kind gaming experience sure to take text based adventure games to the next level! How can we do this? Easy! In our forum topic "Empires of the Medieval age communities" we post little events for you fans to participate in that determine how the story goes, creating a truly one of kind text adventure experience!

Have an idea you think would improve our game? Or maybe you want to help us write the story! Or maybe you just want to follow the game's progress and keep up with events and such! If any of these interests you, be sure to check out our forum topic under the General Discussion forum in the Forums tab

Hope you all had a great Thanks Giving! We've been working on a little treat for you as well! The Pure rebellion story line is now available to play! It's hidden in the Story so what are you waiting for? Go find it and tell us what you think!

*please note this game contains several hours of game play and a lot of reading (kind of a given since it's a choose your own adventure story but at least I've given you a fair warning). But don't worry, if you have the time to play it, we promise you won't regret it. It is suggested but not required that you take notes in order to keep track of you're money and items (In case we make a mistake in doing it)

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Review by Regisblackgaard
23 Nov 2016
good game.
i would give you a 5-star if there was a full game.

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