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Zork 2013 is a text adventure you must solve in order to find the coordinates for geocache GC...., Caching in Zork 2013. Any resemblance of characters to Maryland cachers of the early 21st century is purely semi-intentional. Local cachers might recognize places, people, and caches. Have fun, and don't let the grue get you!
This game will be wholly unrewarding for anyone not involved with geocaching, as the game itself has no successful conclusion. The player will collect information from which the location of the corresponding cache can be deduced. The game will not tell the player when the necessary information has been collected. There are many UNsuccessful ends to the game, however, so be careful.
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Written by Nicklaus Fromzork
Plays 773
Downloads 96 Download file
Written for Quest 5.2
Added 24 Feb 2013
Updated 11 Mar 2013