The aim of the game is to take upon yourself the persona of the protagonist in which his dream against all odds is to be the most famous Card Warrior in existence. You must meet your creature companion and then go into a 6 unique elemental zones and lower the environment count in order to bring your name to glory within your City.
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If you log in before playing, you'll be able to save your progress - which means you can come back later and pick up where you left off.
I found parts of the plot a little ridiculous.
Just an observation: This is more of a card-based game, rather than a text-based game.
Hehehe this game requires honesty of the players.
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Written by hylandm1991
Plays 3696
Downloads 2391 Download file
Written for Quest 5.4
Published 14 Jun 2013
Updated 14 Jun 2013
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