Escape From Santaland by Jason Ermer

Ugh. Christmastime at the mall. The last place you want to be, during the worst time of year to be there.
Information in this game listing is copyright David Welbourn, Jason Ermer, Edward Lacey, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Review by daeun
15 Feb 2024
So this is a better IFDB from the previous IFDB that I have played.
But this is the part where I realized Quest app are better at making games, showing players what verbs can be used is so much better than parser games where I am mostly wasting time typing out stuffs that do nothing.

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Average rating
Written by
Jason Ermer
External Link
Published 01 Oct 2011
Listing added 15 Jan 2014

IFDB listing

