Sleuth is an interactive murder mystery, based on the 1983 DOS game by Eric N. Miller of Norland Software. As a game of Sleuth begins, a murder has just been committed. It is your job to explore the house, to question the houseguests for their alibis, and to locate both the murder weapon and the scene of the murder. The challenge of Sleuth is to solve the crime, gather all of the suspects together, and accuse the guilty party before the killer becomes suspicious of your investigation and eliminates you from the game. Each game of Sleuth is different from the last, so you must always explore the house fully before you can solve the murder. Also, to make things more interesting, you can choose a `Personalized' option which allows you to populate the house with your friends and acquaintances.
Made with the permission of Eric N. Miller.
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The premise is simple. Navigate through 20+ rooms to find your magnifying glass, then use it to find the murder weapon. Talk to everyone you meet and the one whose story doesn't add up is the killer. I played this game over and over again and could not complete it.
The problem is that the magnifying glass spawns randomly, and unless you luck out and find it nearby, you won't have enough time before the killer grows suspicious of you and ultimately stalks you. Even if you're lucky and you find the magnifying glass quickly, you still have to find the murder weapon.
Way too much is left to chance here. Even though I drew a map and systematically went from room to room, the time it took me to get around was too much and I was always stalked before I could "gather" the group at the scene of the crime.
I would have liked there to be more interaction available with the rooms and the suspects. I really liked the personalised game option. That was a fun twist. However, the message that kept popping up about how the murder was interested in my investigation got rather annoying. A bit more time to explore before the murderer got interested would have been nice too. However, it was fun and had there been more to interact with, I would have given more stars :)
The many corridors you get to walk down all have the same wallpaper. The interior designer needs a pay rise for not making any fundamental design errors and sticking to uniform blandness.
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Written by sgreig
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Written for Quest 5.2
Published 14 Apr 2012
Updated 07 May 2012
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