The Hospital by RayFisch

you wake up inside a hospital. at first it seems like a normal, functioning hospital, but then you discover what monstrous creatures inhabit it. can you escape?

special thanks to Lucas King for allowing me to use his composition, "The Shadow People"
check him out on youtube, he's awesome

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Review by Fairy-Rider
20 Oct 2021
This is a great example of a game that takes place in a scary hospital like this. However; this game needs a stretch with more levels to gather more players who want to play this game.
This game is also well-written.

Review by biospu
03 Apr 2020
No matter how creative your text adventure might be it's ultimately the writing that dictates the quality, and in many ways the writing could have been better.

Review by Hatchstripe
21 Oct 2019
Short but... WOW

Review by Shin The Dragon
05 Feb 2018
Short but i wanted all the endings and to explore everything is you like finding all the endings this is a great game but once you´ve got them all, all replayability dies sadly

Review by GameofChocolate
18 Jul 2017
That was very short, no matter which ending. It was well written... but short. I had no use for the things I took. I'm looking for a bit more challenge on your next game.

Review by Vice
13 Jul 2017
Finally a game where your choices actually matter!
looking at you Telltale

Review by Plankcaked77
15 Oct 2016
It's a very frightening atmosphere and a good game, but it's also quite short. I would have like more backstory to this, perhaps an explanation of why you're in the hospital. Also, the dark red font was annoying and difficult to read against the black background. Next time, I suggest using the bright red font or white font against a black background.

Review by funkyspunk90
18 Sep 2016
Pretty usual story- Wake up with no memory in a spooky hospital. The choices matter more than in most of these ones, but not much is explained or has much story.

Review by plipe
28 Jul 2016
it's very very good. it's scary. headphone users warning for one of the endings. it's just a bit short for me

Review by ParableDood
30 May 2016
Amazing game! :) I think I got a good ending, but I'm not too sure.

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Written for Quest 5.5
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Updated 16 Oct 2018





