Survive Part 3 - Rivals by Ethan+22

The third part to the Survive Series, which pits you aginst those you thought you could trust. In the zombie apocalypse, loyalty is a commodity.

Thanks sooooo much for the support I've gotten on this series, I've had nothing but great feedback. I really appreciate you playing my games and sharing with your friends. Something to note is that the little ad for the next part at the end usually changes a few times before the next part is released, so don't take it is accurate the first time you read it.
Once again, thanks a lot for playing, it means a lot.

If you see any bugs, quickly put them in the comments and I'll fix the ASAP.

Part 1:
Part 2:

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Review by Rocketgirl13
15 Apr 2017
This was well written I could imagine everything going on. This definitely evokes emotion in the reader or player.
Although its not too satisfying that there was no ending evolving not dyeing in the end, This truly shows people should make the best out of one's life. Furthermore this story shows a lesson that even if the end seems near you should still not give up without a fight.
......or you know I'm getting too into it. This is what my English class turned me into.
This is a good story though. Looking forward for more of your work!

Review by mentlegen
20 Dec 2016
the ending is bad and the choices dont do anything

Review by Dustylizard
01 May 2016
It was fun but no matter what you do you allways die on the 5th choice

Review by alexfangtalon
06 Dec 2015
A gamebook is suppose to have decisions that affect the game. Also this had no 'rivalry' of any kind unless you messed up the page link.

Review by Stryker
27 Oct 2015
Its getting pretty decent.
Good Games , Hoping for part 4!
Good Luck DEVS

Review by TheWaltsu
11 May 2015
This review is about full series, not just this part.

I liked the story, but it's too linear to be a gamebook.

Every part was very short and i know that you can do longer gamebooks too.

Idea was very good.

Only few choices can be made, and they dont even effect the gameplay.

Story: 3/5
Writing: 1/5
Idea: 4/5
Gameplay: 1/5

Game: 2/5
Good idea, but not very good otherwise.

Review by MisterPibb316
01 May 2015
I definitely sense more effort in this one than Part 2, but the point of an interactive game is to give the player some sense of freedom over completing the game, even if there is only one ending, and there just isn't much 'game' here.

Review by TheScayn
29 Mar 2015
Amazing and unexpected ending !
Only, this part is a quite short.

Review by DaNiX88
17 Feb 2015
The frustration I felt when I couldn't get the outcome I wanted....

Why did you end the series with ... that! I tried every possible outcome and wondered if there was a secret method to chose to get the desired outcome. I didn't want that one! I... I... I subtracted a star even though I think it was a quality game overall (including the first and second episodes).

I also have another problem. In this game, you almost completely leave out Jay and Colin. Like, what's up with that? I wanted to interact with them and because you have the title as "Rivals," I expected to have a certain rivalry develop concerning one of the characters, but I was mistaken. I can understand because this game feels like you weren't able to finish it. I hope you come out with a sequel or an update to this game.


PS. I tried editing this review to leave out spoilers as much as I could.

Review by Renagrade
06 Dec 2014
Loved the game! The only issues I saw were some grammar and spelling issues as well as some obvious plot devices. Still though, I was totally enveloped in the game and I can't wait for the next one!

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Published 06 Jul 2014
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