The Enchanted Glade by peter edwards

What is the secret of the dryads' forest? Can you tap into the power of the druids? And never discount the dolphin. In the beautiful and mysterious county of Cornwall you have a mission...

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Review by Catlover4life
08 Jun 2019
i at one point i could not move

Review by Sinca12
02 Feb 2018
Another great game. Not quite as challenging as some of the creator's others but still more so than most on this site.

I knocked one star off because the map was extremely confusing to me. Maybe that's part of the idea but when mapping it out, directions crisscrossed every which way (and not just in the glade). Great game, though!

Review by Whispers_inTheDark
27 Aug 2017
I'm just going in circles

Review by DavyB
16 Jan 2017
This is the first of what is currently a Cornish trilogy from Peter Edwards. It was published in 2012, followed by The Piskie in 2013 and Mermaid Bay in 2014. All evoke feelings of what it is like to be in Cornwall, through the range of outdoor and underground locations used, pictures of actual locations and subtle sound effects. I’d recommend tackling these games in their order of writing, though perversely I worked in the opposite order! The Enchanted Glade starts in what was an actual hotel in Cawsand (the Old Ship Inn) and ranges over a wide variety of locations in a relatively compact space overall. As with all Peter Edwards’ games, attention to detail and careful searching are important to completing the game though it is possible visit almost all locations with very little effort. Overall, this is an excellent game, in an excellent series, and I strongly recommend it.

Review by Jfulls002
15 Oct 2016
Very clever game. One thing stops me from giving five stars, and that is the forest mechanics. While in the forest, going east and then back west does not take you back the same way, instead it sends you to an entirely different section. Another game which I hated, called ZORK, had a very similar problem, although it was for the whole game, while this is just in one section. otherwise, it was perfect.

04 Oct 2016
I love the puzzles! They aren't very tough but they make you think. Most of them are pretty straight-forward. Overall, a great game!

Review by Stella S.
28 Sep 2016
Fun, but very difficult. Looks like you put a lot of effort into it! Well done. I like it. It's very descriptive, and entertaining.

Review by KyuJones
13 Apr 2016
WOO! So fun!
I love the puzzles by this author! ^___^
The map and interconnecting puzzles are very well done. I appreciate this tidbit, too.... if you become stuck, look for helpfulness within the comments - and leave a question yourself if needed!!

Review by Snoogins
26 Jun 2015
Just finished the game and I loved it! A puzzle at every corner, some challenging (but just require thorough exploration and trial/error). Now to head over to Mermaid Bay and see if I can figure that one out!

Review by MisterPibb316
23 Apr 2015
This game has fantastic potential. It does the 'you woke up and have no idea what happened' thing better than most games that rely on such a mechanism, the blending of fantasy and reality makes for a unique experience, and there's something solemn about the town being abandoned (yet, there being an ice cream man around--I love it!) Again, I have all sorts of nice things to say, but the reason I couldn't give this a higher score is because I found most of the puzzle solutions much veiled, even after reading some of the hints posted on this site, to the point that I had to put the game aside.

With that said, I think this is a good game, and I accept the possibility that maybe I'm just not appreciating the challenge enough.

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Written by
peter edwards

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 27 Dec 2012
Updated 05 Jun 2018

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