Chapter 2 picks up right after part 1 and you will immediately make a choice that can change the rest of the game. (This means varying story lines, and in turn longer production time for new games) You soon discover that you are not the only ones in the city either...
Please let me know if there are any issues with the game. If you enjoyed it please leave a comment and review, they help a lot. Thanks and have fun!
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I liked this better than I liked Chapter 1. Some of my questions were answer. The type of Zombies/Monsters were Runners I see. I liked the dialogue, maybe because more people were in it? The only thing I didn't like were the choices were limited and the choices you do make ultimately led nowhere. Other than that the story seems to be getting better. Thanks for Reading
Alright, this game picked up my intrest really good. Choices are difficult to make, and i felt this game really made it that. If possible, more detail would have given this 5 stars. Still a good game.
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Written by Magic Orange
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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 05 Aug 2013
Updated 26 Dec 2013
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