The Walking Dead: Episode 2: On The Horizon by SivD1

Before you play Episode 2, check out Episode 1 here:

Try out the teaser for Episode 3 here:

Welcome to the second episode in my "The Walking Dead" series. After about 2 months, it's finally released! I truly believe that this episode is superior to Episode 1 in every way imaginable! Please, leave feedback so I can make Episode 3 even better! Note that my full attention is turning to Episode 1 of my second series; "Borderlands: Gun for Hire". Enjoy!

Summary: You (and possibly Kevin) wander through the woods. Running low on food and supplies, you need to find help soon. You find your way into Atlanta, and meet a new group. But the question is, can you trust them?







A Rock in a Hard Place:


The Best of Two Wrongs:

FEEDBACK (it helps me out a lot):

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Review by mentlegen
28 Jan 2017
Amazing game and i love how long it is

Review by ChazCliffhanger
15 Dec 2015
Was awesome. Definitely looking forward to episode three! Only reason that this didn't get a 5 star rating was minor grammar and spelling issues.

Review by Stryker
27 Oct 2015
Still good
I Liked Laura she acted cute ^_^
Keep it up DEVS

25 Dec 2014
R!P Kevin and Finn
Man that was a good Episode. I liked Josh as a villain, but his name didn't seem powerful lol. Joshua sounds more powerful(in my opinion). One thing I wish could happen was, if I had the choice to sacrifice myself to save my friend(s) like in Episode 1 with Kevin. I wish we could of saw more of the mall people, or possible to see his(Josh's) people try to hunt Us the character, Dawn, and Laura down for the murder of Josh. That be a great cause and effect. Thanks for the great long story. PS We should write an Episode together.
-I.Q Incorporated

Review by TheHatMan
24 Oct 2014
I enjoyed the entire story, and what I really am feeling from this is that it's longer than most of the other text-based adventure games I've played. It's truly excellent, the story was amazing. Even though some scenes were ironic with the stranger being b**, and then Kevin being b** next. I liked the plot advancing from the last episode, but the mall base\ was a little cliche and over exaggerated. If you are thinking of Carver's base or Woodbury (or even Crawford) that wasn't really the case, it was just that it was a large facility with a lot of people, and a lot of guns. I can get that they established an organization, but it was almost as if there were no flaws in the Mall Group aside from the foreshadowing-dark events leader. There's always something going down with the leader, whether it's the Governor, William Carver, Crawford, or anything. I guess it wasn't as bad, because it didn't come to the final showdown for you to realize he was a bad guy. I honestly was trying to find a way to trust Josh, after realizing "most" of the survivors were missing limbs and most importantly eyes, and let Laura go with him. It was when she came back in a BDSM type scenario (please if you are under age do not search that up) that I knew that there was no more chances with this guy. I honestly wish that there could have been some people more important to the plot that could have survived this conflict, maybe Josh could have survived but then again you weren't given that type of option. The biggest question now is what happens to the Mall Base? Seeing as you are going to leave the corpses of Dawn or Finn and Josh, there leader. If I was the one to make predictions I would say that there would be no way that they would come after you for revenge, unless Josh had an unknown sibling. The Mall Base was being tormented by Josh (considering the loss limbs) so they'd be throwing a party in there, One thing I can't get off my back is why they didn't overthrow Josh, it seemed whenever someone made a mistake they'd be severely punished for it personally by him. Maybe it wasn't just him? Maybe he had respected elites? I don't know. I wonder whats to come next, it leaves the story in an empty cliffhanger which is really good. Wanna know why? Because this is just the second episode of the series (considering that its five episodes with a bonus). SivD1 you are one of my newest favorite text adventure game creators, I hope you look into the future of making much more of these (possibly a season 2, not going to rush you there though buddy). I can understand how these things take time, and you didn't have to rush ahead of your deadline (October 31st). I'm also intrested in your Borderlands game, I know TellTale has released a game in that same environment. I didn't really look into it maybe sometime later I will. Is there anyway I can contact you via skype, email, etc? I'd like to talk a little. Anyway, to conclude this review. Good game, amazing effort, love to see you next time.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 23 Oct 2014
Updated 02 Aug 2016





