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This game is well written and has great potential. Keep up the good work and glad to see you're back XD
I think this game is amazing! It is difficult until you know what you're doing/until you figure out a good grinding strategy to level up. I love it and hope you update soon!
You did A LOT for you initial release, and it is awesome. There are so many interactions and endings of varied length and details. You rock dude!
This is a pretty good start! There are a few spelling errors to check. May I suggest is to describing the characters more? What does Lauren or the Cheer leaders look like? Overall, great start/demo!
This game is amazing! Fun, fast, and easy to read!
Not much content yet, but this is a good start. I can't wait to see where this project goes!
So there is A LOT of text here. I think for a Text Adventure you need more Adventure and less text. What you have written isn't bad. In my humble opinion, your story would probably fit better on a site like giantess world. But, as always, keep up the good work.
Not a bad start! Just keep updating and keep up the good work.
So the content that is in the game is solid. I like the minute changes from the original. However, the seemingly endless empty hallways really put a damper on the experience. I think they should be cut until you add the content.
The game is technically not a bad start, but its been over a year since the last update. So the bad review stays until (if) changed.
Not much of anything right now, but there is potential! Keep on going!!!
This is pretty good so far. The map seem needlessly large (unless you plan on adding other things in the empty locations later). Overall the quality is high. I look forward for quantity in the future :)
Not a bad start. The definitely grammar needs improvement. The content you have for just beginning is solid. Try adding more content, adding some descriptions for the characters, and keep up the good work!
So far so good. Keep up the good work
A good start, can't wait for more!
There's a lot to explore! Some minor bugs keep it from the perfect score. Can't wait for an update!
This game is great. I would love an update, but I won't hold my breath haha.
Great game so far! I can't wait for more!
Fantastic start! Can't wait for more!
This is realistically the only finished giantess game here. Great work, can't wait for more!
Fantastic start! Can't wait for more!
Not a bad start; can't wait for more!
Not a bad start; can't wait for more!
Fantastic so far; can't wait for more!
Good so far; keep up the hard work!
Honestly, the grammar needs to be fixed before this game can be "fun."