Build your own utopia 2 by daeun

A city simulation game
v1 - January 31, 2019: Learn about variables and attributes
v1.5: Reduced random number multiplier for balanced outcomes
v2 - February 13, 2024: Complete remake with 20 out of 40 possible events, enhancing replayability

Score: ⭐⭐⭐

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Review by GAZArts
25 Feb 2024
I'm not sure what I was expecting this but there were many points that made me laugh our loud.
Especially when it starts to flood and one of the solutions is to "Invite swimming teachers from other countries to teach your citizens how to swim." Good fun.

Review by Babajim
09 Feb 2019
Nice job friend.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 31 Jan 2019
Updated 30 May 2024

