Shrunk In Your Apartment Building by The Little Guy

Take on the role of Jason, a 25 year old office worker that lives in an apartment with his 25 year old girlfriend Amy. After waking up to find yourself shrunken to 3 inches tall, you must decide where to go from the, to live dangerously and have some fun at your new size, or find out what happened to you and if you can get back to normal.

This is a basic shrunk around women story and the deaths that can happen. While vore, gets a main focus, there are other ways to end up dead. Of course this is an adult themed fetish kind of story.

So far there are 17 endings.

Review by cutetiny64
26 Apr 2024
way too many options that lead to undoing the thing you option you wanted to do but I guess its a fun text adventure

Review by Sans_Bleck
24 Nov 2023

Review by icelightning478
25 May 2023
Wow I think this is a favourite

Review by Lotice
11 Oct 2022
This is great!
Can't wait for more content with Gina.

Review by gntsfam8
26 Jan 2022
Amazing work


Review by jojobala
10 Nov 2021
a well balanced diversity for each character. My fav is Tara.


Review by Txtadventurer
09 Nov 2021
Very good. No clue why it doesn't have any reviews yet, hope you update it despite that.

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Average rating
Written by
The Little Guy

Added 06 Jun 2021


