Sekiro 2 by daeun

A soulslike game with 400 rooms
v1 - Oct 29, 2020: Simple rpg game and path of exile's maps travelling system
v2 - July 26, 2024: Sekiro rpg game with parrying simulator
v3 - Abandoned on 01 Sep 2024, busy in real life, but you can make your own turn based combat game at

Score: ⭐⭐⭐

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Review by Deckrect
03 Oct 2020
It is quite a test. There is abslutelly no descriptions and nothing actually going on. Like most of the initial works, it is juat a test. i suppose the designer had the ambition to creting something procedural, what is a trend. But it has not yet much content.

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Published 29 Oct 2020
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