You've Got a Stew Going! by Ryan Veeder

Your friend has invited you over for stew. He has not bothered to procure most of the ingredients.
Information in this game listing is copyright Ryan Veeder, David Welbourn, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Review by JDoggyGirl
29 Oct 2022
Cute and short.
Hint for those playing, Miko the roach is a present for fran. He is also made of meat.
You get the human food by annoying the heck out of her. There are probably more ways that I didn't find, but I yelled at her, bit her, and bit her hair.

Review by Stripes
06 Jan 2018
This was fun and cute! The characters are nice, the world isn't bad, and overall it's just very cute. I don't even mind its shortness. Well done!

Review by LiquidMou
14 Oct 2017
I love playing this little game so much. Everything is indeed super hilarious and cute (I'd try to forget that I had to eat a friend's pet) that I hope there're more endings to enjoy, it's short :(
Like what if I chose to "screw the stew, I'll go to work" or to make friend with the human, or simply throw the whole pot onto that lazy-ass Drew there. But this is about making stew then alright...
Thanks for your hard work!

Review by nzt314
13 Sep 2014
Funny and cute. Glad I played, and looking forward to seeing more from this creator!

Review by Crispin
19 Jan 2014
Really cute game! Well done!

Review by medusacascade
16 Jan 2014
Short, sweet, and quite funny. Enjoyable throughout. I especially loved that last ingredient. :)

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Average rating
Written by
Ryan Veeder
External Link
Published 11 Jul 2011
Listing added 15 Jan 2014

IFDB listing

