Leporemia 1.4 *Only Chapter 1 & 2 Available* by TTPeriod

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Announcement: SHOOOOT!! I was working on it, but I accidentally cleared my browsing data, along with the game's progress. Luckily, I saved THIS version's game on my computer, but otherwise, my progress is deleted. Oh well, let's try that again...

A total of 20,236 words (including code) and 2 chapters (chapter 1 {finished} and chapter 2 {uncomplete})

Leporemia is a game created by Twine. It is a narrative interactive game where you play as anyone you choose to be-- may it be yourself, or create a whole different you. In this game, you are chosen by the Mageia Council to go on a quest to save an outlandish world called Leporemia, a world of sorcery and magic. Why you were chosen, you do not know, but you must do it or Earth is doomed.

Go on a quest where you must save Leporemia from impending doom or die trying. You may travel with company-- but it is possible your company can die.

Will you prioritize physical strength over mental strength? Will you win by deception or with candor? Who will you be, and what will this world make of you? This game will use of your personality, strengths and weaknesses to give you an advantage... or a disadvantage!

This game is not yet finished, but with enough support, will continue to flourish and grow. Chapter Two is not yet finished, but will be soon enough.

Ver. 1.450 Notes

o Still can't find some bugs, but will definitely work on it.
o Found a bit of a problem, which I fixed.
o With the option "shorter version", there is less reading. I shortened some more passages, but not all of them is shortened yet.

Ver. 1.425 Notes

o Added the option, "shorter version". Not all of the passages are shortened yet, though. Because there is something urgent I need to do.
o Fixed a bug for "test the trunk". Not fully sure if it is fixed.

Ver. 1.4 Notes

o Added reputation.
This is a pretty big, though, took me a while. ;-;

Ver. 1.35 Notes
o Added a super, ultra, mega secret <3

Ver. 1.3 Notes

o Added the possibility of death.
o Added lots of branching stories. A lot.
o Added the stat section, Company.
o Added the sub-stat, Company-Chise. This shows if she is present or absent (absent meaning not with you. Possibly meaning dead.)
o Added the state, in the stat "Relations with Chise", dead. (Red, bold font.)
o Added more information.
o Added a new death state.
o Added Chapter 2.

** There is now about 7,110 words! :) **

Ver. 1.1 Notes

Added the stats, Merciful and Merciless. They counter each other. This won't affect the storyline yet.
Added the choices that change these stats.
Added more information.

Ver. 1.2 Notes

Added the stats, Defense and Offense. They counter each other. Fighting isn't implemented yet.
Added the stat section, Relations. You can view relations with a few people.
Added the stats, Relations with Chise. You can see your relations with the character, Chise. This won't affect the storyline yet.
Added the stats, Persuasiveness. Use this for persuasion. Persuading people aren't implemented yet.
Added the choices that change these stats.
Added more story.
Added information.

None yet!
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Written by

Published 21 Dec 2015
Updated 31 Dec 2015





