The concept of this game is inspired by the bilingual textadventure "Un Paseo Inocente en el Mercado" (by ootkaman)
Nothing else was taken, though.
In the german language you can find more than one word which can be used to address a single person..
To make things easier for you I chose the informal version of you (du) over the formal version (Sie) whilst addressing the reader.
Also be aware that in german there is no additional present form for the gerund/to express that something is taking place in this very moment.
For example:
He beats her - Er schlägt sie
He is beating her - Er schlägt sie
If you find a mistake I over read, please let me know.
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Written by Giggling_Kiste
Plays 4599
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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 28 Sep 2013
Updated 29 Sep 2013
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