Pat Johnson by Evan11

The story of a forever-bullied kid, and his revenge.

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Review by Konrad
31 Mar 2013
Its an interesting story, but has countless errors.

(spoilers ahead)
First of all, in the hospital, why do you randomly tackle the nurse after you get out of bed?
Escape stealthly or agressively? Well, its a bit too late for that isn't it? I already knocked out a nurse.
and if you choose to STAY in bed, why exactly do you get angry and say that its not the truth?
You WERE attacked, your leg IS broken, and you DO have a gunshot wound.
Now, you become Jimmy Andrews in the future.
When you call 911 and stay put, you hear footsteps.
And die. Just die out of nowhere.

Maybe I'm just being picky. I don't know.
Now I'm starting to feel bad for mentioning all these things, but you need some feedback to improve, eh?

Review by Septirath
28 Mar 2013
That was a pretty good gamebook. I liked it. However, the spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. were a little off. The game was kind of short, but it wasn't bad.

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Written for Quest 5.3
Published 20 Mar 2013

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