My first attempt at a completed Quest game, Zombies attack is a horror(ish) game where you have to escape you're apartment. There's combat, situations of chance and puzzles involved. In many scenario's you're faced with a situation that is influenced on you're health.
It was intended to have sound effects, but I took them out for offline. It's my first game, and has 47 rooms if that's any indicator of length.
~Please note, little spoiler~
To kill the first Zombie, just use the laptop on it.
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Great game! I like how its always different and there's a percent chance you will succeed. Crossing the plank I fell twice, so I thought I needed something else, but I just needed to do it again. I never had to use the handgun though. The crowbar worked a lot better.
Great game, no wrestling with finding the exact command. Good story, and the probability rating were really useful. Looking forward to more stuff from you.
Haven't finished the game yet but I think it is fantastic. Very atmospheric. I got up to the part where I opened the power box but then I had to leave. I'm looking forward to finishing it
awesome game! just finished it. minor complaints are that some bad luck can ruin the entire game. for example if you dont successfully pick the cabinet lock, you cant get the horn and are left to attack the barricaded zombies with a crowbar (low success). also bad luck can have you instantly die while crossing the plank. another glitch is that you can pick the cabinet lock with the aerial even before you reach the roof and pick up the aerial.
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Written by hulkman508
Plays 15460
Downloads 3655 Download file
Written for Quest 4.1
Published 26 Nov 2011
Updated 21 Apr 2012
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