The Four Elements by The Egotist

You have angered the elemental spirits, and as a result, they have trapped you in a series of five chambers for all eternity... unless you can escape. Use your wits and the resources available to you in order to activate all four gems on the central pedestal and appease the elemental spirits.

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Review by Waerlinga
07 Oct 2016
I really like the game and the puzzles themselves where fairly easy and quite good for a short and fun game. However, I have to agree with Crispix, it honestly is a game of guess the verb. I lost count on how many different versions of place wood in hearth, use oil on wood, use matches on oil I tried. maybe it was just me, the others seemed to find that one quite easy.
Anyways - Aside from the verb-troubles a very sweet little game.

Review by KyuJones
01 Feb 2016
Good short challenge. Enjoyable! ^_^

Review by BeautyvsAshes
13 Jun 2014
This was a great game. I found the puzzles not-too-challenging but still thought-provoking enough to be fun. :)

Review by Adam Holbrook
21 Feb 2013
It was great. The puzzles were fairly challenging, but solve able. I just wish it was longer. There's nothing wrong with a game of this length, and the way you did everything, with only five rooms and less than a handful of objects, was no small feat of beautiful minimalism and I certainly appreciate that.
It might be better said that, if you're happy with this length, and want to continue to make very short games like this (and I think you have a great talent for it) try to make it a little harder. It also wouldn't hurt to have more description in your rooms (since there are so few) to really bring them to life and give the game more character.
Keep up the good work!

Review by sarah4
16 Feb 2013
Short but sweet, spelling and grammar were fine and the room and object descriptions and game premise were well written and thought out. Although there were only five rooms and only a few objects, the puzzles were challenging and engaging enough to make the game a lot of fun to play and there were no bugs I could find, though being able to take the oil and water without seemingly carrying any receptical for them was perhaps a bit jarring. I very much look forward to a much longer game from you in the future as this is extremely promising and, may I recommend 'Island of the Magi' (which can be found on this site) if you haven't played it yet as the atmosphere of your game reminds me of it a little and it is a truly excellent game!

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The Egotist

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Written for Quest 5.3
Published 11 Feb 2013
Updated 11 Feb 2013

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