The Legend of Robin Hood by Craig Dutton

HISTORICAL-FANTASY. Robin Hood's adventures are taken from medieval ballads and subsequent stories. This is my adaptation of his story, his Merry Men, Marian, the Sheriff of Nottingham and Guy of Gisbourne.

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Review by KyuJones
15 Jun 2016
This was a particularly fun game. The areas were only as big as necessary, which I like. It read like a book! Turn the page to another section, which the game already puts you into, along with a bit of story introduction for each place.

I liked this one very much. ^___^

Review by DaNiX88
20 May 2015
Ah, the unwinnable situations abound! Well, with help only once, I was able to beat the game on my own this time around! Compared to your other games, I found this one rather short, but by no means does that take away from the game. The fact that the story was divided into episodes was a very interesting twist and moved the story very nicely. Compared to all of Craig's older games, this one has the most story-like feel to it.

Great work!

Review by mick green
29 Mar 2015
Good game. I'm only at knottingham and I've no idea how big the game is but I've found the game nicely balanced (as long as you're familiar with the genre and don't mind hackin away to find the specific words). I love the theme a lot, which helps and the brilliant way the game opens at the start really draws people in I think - somehow you create a kind of motion. The puzzles are logical but the results are never entirely predictable - this is a very hooky style. Nice work.

Review by danaburgerrr
27 Mar 2015
fantastic game! you always make games with intricate stories and vibrant characters, but this one was especially fun. challenging but not terribly hard, and who doesn't love Robin Hood? logical puzzles, good length, and I like how the story progressed through time without feeling terribly disjointed or rushed. well done!

Review by Larap92
04 Sep 2014
Awesome game. This was the first text-adventure game I've played. I really enjoyed it.
Thank you.

Review by johnhf
15 Jun 2014
It seems Kim75 you're outnumbered. You've insulted everyone's intelligence who gave this game a 5 star rating and slightly sad that you can't use your own words to review a great and fun game. I DISAGREE with Jim Kaplan 100%.

Review by Kim75
15 Jun 2014
I agree with Jim Kaplan 100%.

Review by markydennis
14 May 2014
brilliant game!
had to re-start a couple of times (pliers and moved the horse too early!)

Review by Sue
06 Oct 2013
Hi Craig,

Sorry it took so long for me to get to the review. This was a fantastic game. The puzzles were tricky, but not impossible, despite one occasion that was a little guess-the-berb. I loved the use of traditional characters and setting in a whole new adventure. Great job!

Review by Crispin
14 Sep 2013
Excellent atmosphere! Craig is really good at drawing the player into the game. Challenging puzzles that (as Charles Scott and sarah4 said) are obvious in retrospect. I agree about the episodic nature, fast-paced story, and great writing. This was a real pleasure to play.

I had to play it about 5 times from the beginning because I kept missing things in the Fair and then saving too late. (Thanks Craig for the help- I was completely stuck :p) So to the players after me: before leaving the Fair, talk to everybody twice!

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Craig Dutton

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 13 Jun 2013
Updated 09 Sep 2013

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