You have been left to play in your playpen for the day, but you've left your favorite toy in your mother's room! Make your way to your mother's room to retrieve your Captain Jumbo in this dark tale told from an innocent perspective.
This game was made as part of the "Micro-Fiction Quest Challenge" in the Quest 5 forums.
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Some of the puzzles were difficult to figure out because of so much other description here and there. I kept thinking certain things would provide answers and spent much too long on them. T__T
Sad story, good intrigue. :)
Sad story but I was expecting it after reading the other comments. Limited commands... You can't examine most things that have been described in the narration. The most frustrating part was that the first time I played I got stuck and had to start over. I left the blanky in the bathroom (do not do that, readers!), but later on I needed to be "brave" and was at a total loss because the only way to access the bathroom is through the kitchen! Still, I enjoyed the challenge of the game, despite the limited commands.
what's the point of this game when you can't even GO anywhere?
go east
You can't go there.
go west
You can't go there.
go north
go south
This game was incredibly sad, but very well made. The child's all too innocent outlook on the horrible things happening around (him? her) made this game especially heartbreaking. I was honestly stunned, then heartbroken when the ending began to play out.
On to the actual gameplay: this game looks deceptively simple, but I did get thoroughly stuck on one part the first time I played, and had to return today with a fresh mind in order to finish successfully. I also thought that the single-item inventory helped to add realism to the game, although it was a bit frustrating to have to drop one item to pick up something else.
My one criticism is that I don't think the constant changing of the background color was necessary, what with the already changing text colors. It did give off a carefree and childlike ambiance, but I found it a little distracting.
Overall, this was brilliant.
I didn't encounter any of the glitches mentioned in other comments or reviews. It played through flawlessly. I did find the single inventory item to be immersive. I recall playing another IF game from the perspective of a small child that had the same inventory mechanic. It provided a bit of an extra challenge to figuring out some of the puzzles, which were fairly straight forward and well hinted.
The story was provocative. The last bit about not wanting to be interrupted for dinner was heart-wrenching.
I don't personally enjoy dark or violent games but I have to admit that the story here was very compelling and the decision to deal with the serious issue of domestic abuse from the perspective of a toddler who only has a very slight understanding of what is going on, is a brave one. I think a lot of games don't make any attempt to show the seriousness of violence in all its forms so I give this game credit for attempting to do this in such a subtle and effective way. There were, however, a few technical issues, for example, the characters do not always leave or enter a room when the text says they are supposed to. For example, after the disturbing scene in the kitchen when the man is supposed to have gone into the bedroom, he is still noted as being in the kitchen. Also, if you fail to go back into the playpen before entering the kitchen,and examine the dad, the description says he is angry with the visitor, despite the fact that the visitor has not yet arrived.
A provocative look at the perspective of a young child in a dark world, this 'game' provides a lot more to think about than mere entertainment. A fine example of why video games ought to be more widely recognized as art. Aside from a bug or two, my only complaint is having to go back and forth to get items because you can only carry one at a time. However, even that can hardly be called a flaw as it adds to the feeling of being in the role of the child, and there's not far to go anyway. Impressive.
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Written by Adam Holbrook
Plays 4895
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Written for Quest 5.3
Published 21 Feb 2013
Updated 21 Feb 2013
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