The Nebula by adrao

Welcome to "the Nebula", a gamebook where you take the role of a starship captain trying to discover the reason behind a recent act of sabbotage/attack on a far-flung corner of the Empire.

The game is complete and rather large (322 pages) giving the player the ability to explore around a galaxy of 17 star systems and numerous planets. It includes automated combat sequences, a skill system and character creation. The game is currently v0.5.3, and I am working on v.6.0 that will further expand one of the planets in the game. Further expansions in the future will increase exploration opportunities in existing planets and add new star systems.

Any comments/recommendations/criticisms so far are welcome!

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Review by Za;\lgoSo\
25 Oct 2019
The storyline is amazing because of its rather in depth^^

Review by Forgewright
29 Jun 2017
Played about 40 pages into the game and had no issues technically. I was impressed with the writing of the story and the choices given. A fun game and quickly draws you into the action. You should be proud of your efforts as I'm sure it took a lot of work.

Review by Marinirani
09 Oct 2016
One of the biggest Text Adventures I've seen, and you never know if you'll die, so you're constantly on your toes. Thrilling and endlessly deep, I salute you.

Review by Hubble315
07 May 2016
This game is awesome. My only concern is that some planets have very little places to explore, like Aldeon prime. I like the level of detail that goes into ships, and how you have various officers that you can talk to. This is probably one of the best games on this website, and that is saying a lot.

Review by AwsomeSawsome
28 Feb 2016
I just couldn't finish it (had no idea where to go next) but I played it extensively before that, and, honestly, the quality is exceptional. Other than a few typos, the writing is excellent. The quality is good enough that I could see this being on Steam.

Review by Lonewolf7
25 Oct 2015
Very good so far. I ran into a bugged choice, but i restarted it a few times and it worked.

Review by CommanderMichael
13 Oct 2015
Well crafted, with equal parts mystery, intrigue, and action; but sometimes the choices don't work.
They go black and remain unclickable, which is why I give 4 stars instead of 5, since having to restart every time this happens is tiresome.

Otherwise, the quality is exemplary.

Review by ejm29
03 Dec 2014
The best ive played. A great game with many alternative paths, griping stories and a big thrilling universe. A must play!

Review by AlDaBeast
03 Dec 2014
A great example of using the storybook mechanics to create an immersive, and open-world (Galaxy) game. A lot of time, though, and effort have obviously been put into this game. As it is only at v0.5, I will defiantly keep on track of new updates. Overall, I had a blast playing this.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 02 Dec 2014
Updated 11 Jan 2015





